Questions about Jarvee in 2020

Do it this way. Click Reset Device Id, after you make Clear the Cookie. The account will be in the pending status. Log in to your profile settings, make sure that you have the USE ONLY EB check box, then open the browser and log in with your hands. Close the browser, highlight your account, and click Mark As Valid. You don’t need to click Verify. Only authorization in the browser

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Settings on a account :

(No filters, it block with few actions F/UF/Stories views from EMB scrape)

are you using the “use ONLY EB” option? if yes you always need to have some active and valid accounts “on” . Due to the fact that before following or doing an action J is some kind of checking via API if the targeted account is still “on instagram” .

so just try to a) leave some scrapers on (not night mode) b) just through some accounts on your jarvee that are just valid doing nothing


You have absolutely incorrect settings. You will decide how you will work via the API or via EB. Better of course through EB. If the API you need to set the enable full emulation. If EB, allow access to work through it

Are you sure that you are not mixing me and dr.Withice post?
I use API on Main and EMB + Scraper to run my account.
I checked you settings (that you posted before) and it seem that yours en mine are enough “near” you just added “do not use EMB to login + Do not EMB Browser to follow” on your social settings.

Can you give more details about what to do? What’s wrong with mine?
Thx a lot for your help, it’s nice from you.

Ok, these settings are for EMB + API/scraper right?
I saw another post you were using API and EMB/scraper.
Did you change? Or maybe you use both of them?
When You use EMB on main you don’t use EMB/scraper right? You have to make a “API scraper”?

I ll try with these settings should I reset device ID and clear cookie before I change to EMB?

This is the EB + Api Scrapper. Make the Reset Device ID and Clear the Cookie. After that, log in, and wait 2-3 hours after authorization. Next, launch the Subscription + Like + view storis + Unsubscribe at the same time

Thanks for answer my friend, I turned off night mode in my scraper accounts and looks like it works. I don’t know if this is bug or it should be, but my accounts on which I did not use scraper could not perform actions only in EB. As for me it should not be!

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in last video you told that need use localization in api user agent, you screenshot shows that you do not use russian localization ru_RU and clean user agent, its standart JV user agent. Is it important or not important?

Thx for you last comment I ll do what you said. I hope that It ll work. I m making a API scraper now.
I ll respect you settings and cross the fingers :wink:

I have a maybe stupid question but why pepeole don’t do :
EMB Scraper + EMB main account or
API scraper + API Main account
(Two different proxies).

hi everyone, im new on jarvee and im usin 5acc at the moment i would like to know how much data proxy do i spend per account, per day, im using a lot of proxy every month but i want to separet how much im using for each software, btw im using smartproxy witch is a https.
sorry about the english this isnt my first language.

you can use 1 proxy per 5 acc! Its good!

I try to log in using EMB but I still have “EMB loop” issue.
If I log manually on Browser, I have “Email confirmation statut” on Jarvee even If I try to verify.
What do you do in these case?

I don’t understand you. Make screenshots of your problem, I’ll take a look

If I “mark as valid or relogin or Reset device + cookie” it’s always the same error on Jarvee.
But (manually) I m log in to the EMB Browser :

Jarvee don’t want to have “Valid” statut (Or only for 5 minutes maximum).
When I do “Edit Profile” I have this a error message “Proxies error or account not valid…”

(My proxies are working)
Any recommandation?

You need to make a Reset Device id, and Clear Cookie. After that, make sure that you have a check mark “use only eb”. After that, do authorization via the browser, and you do not need to do authorization via the verify button. Just after logging in to the browser, make a mark on your valid account


Hi Instascalp, I know do exaclty as you said. It worked really well durings one week using EMB but sinds yestarday I go Temporary block. I use the “suspend when temporary block” so when it happen, tool are delay and it restart but I see that I have a lot these day. Block => Delay XX minutes => Restart and work for few actions => Block => Delay => Work => Delay => Work… So my account do few actions daily. It was working great 3 days ago I just tried to up a bit the speed of actions (I do 85 actions daily with a really low warm up and slowly). What are you recommendations to avoid these tempo block?

Thx a lot for your latest post it helped me a lot. As I said for few days it was clearly perfect. so I guess that I m in the good way :slight_smile:

Dear friends, I just discovered your forum and it is really interesting!

I need help with Jarvee that I started using today: I set up my instagram account and everything works properly except the “block followers” option that was my main issue leading me to try Jarvee.

I don’t do follow/unfollow but only using the like/comment/story viewing tools… and all of them work properly

This is because I’d like to remove all the ghost/fake followers from my 64k account but, even if all other tools are working, this one doesn’t because the software always send me the error message “account. : code 550 - Cannot execute because you dont have any valid IG accounts logged in via api to - *****”

I read all the previous message and I wasn’t able to find a solution in your suggestions… What do you think I could do to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hello. Sorry for the long answer,a lot of work. Try just letting your account rest for 48 hours. Tell me, do you have a new account? How long ago did you register it?