Reasons for receiving hard blocks

Why do I receive hardblocks?
Is there a way to avoid hardblocks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are many reasons for the hardblocks, it can be your proxy/IP, using aggressive actions, accessing the account from your phone while the account is working in the MP/Jarvee app …

Also, you need to use scrapers to avoid doing too many API calls from the main account, you can check the guide below.

It will be better if you can contact the MP/Jarvee support team, they can check your settings as well and help you out.

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mostly to many relogs/device ID resets and or to less suspension time on temp blocks ( like further trying to follow even you are blocked)

Yes, I agree, but I think the guy is new to this area, and I think he should know the principle things first :slight_smile:

This is usually from

  1. Proxies being detected, not using quality 4G proxies
  2. too aggressive with the settings on your actions, either not having rest periods adequately, operating 24/7, doing them too quickly between each action which shows its not human etc.
  3. copyright infringements - if you’re reposting without crediting the original creator this can generally lead to some of the hardest blocks i’ve witnessed

have you been able to recover some accounts due to copyright infridgement?

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Focus on doing some paid ads, crediting original creators/owners in captions.

If any owner dm’s you complaining, archive that post that they’re concerned with

Most likely you won’t be able to recover it. If you tagged the user then you may have a case but if not, it will be hard and costly.

There are some recovery services. Search MP

Have you checked with these guys?

My personal experience:

After more or less 4 years of any strong TB i received one that caused the LOCK of the account only one times, automation was perfect and the growth too (25-30 days), from a day to another TB (24 hours review) without any other soft TB, just like that; from the day and night.
I was thinking the cause was the content of the account that was CBD and cannabis related (oil and treatment ).
Account was not new (almost 8 months of no automation), warmed up correctly.

Im using always 4G sim without proxy and low settings.

This happens recently, around months ago.

Account at the end was succesfully recovered by sending properly documentation.

Totally unexpected.

There is very minimalistic chance you will lose account.
Yes Instagram Marketing game consist of Session Blocks (Action Blocks) and Hard Blocks. If you take care of warmup and know the limits. You will pull it through. But mostly anything you get is because of breaking following:

  1. Your usual pattern
  2. Daily, Weekly and Monthly actions cap set by Instagram depending on your trust score.

What is your trust score?
You never know. This is where Trial & Error comes in.

Hope that helped!

Yeah, basically, there are no well-known patterns nor logic that we could use to make sure that we’ll be able to avoid those problems.

  1. IP problems.
  2. account problems
  3. ip and account are all well but you make a lot of API calls.
    there are many reasons for receiving hard blocks.

for me , decrease API call , if still happened , change IP.
need to test which parts go wrong
good luck man