Repin Strategy for Pinterest

Hi, Adnan!

Сan you tell, what tool did you use to automate bulk repin process?

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Try this:

Check out Jarvee


I just listened to a podcast on socialmediaexaminer about the new Pinterest update. There were several key takeaways.

  1. Levels of Repins are important (just as @Adnan explains). Pin -> Repin -> Repin -> Repin
  2. Keeping your boards fresh with consistent pinning is important
  3. Keeping your account fresh with frequent consistent pinning is important.

Hi, Adnan!
I’m implementing tiered pinning schema.
And I have already setup dozens of auto bot accounts.
Could you please advise, how important is the age of bot accounts?
Week, month, or may be days?
I assume that it have to be an important factor. But I have no idea, what term is enough for effective work.

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I don’t know how to implement this method! You have many board, do you implement each board to each board?
P1(Dog) -> P2(Dog) -> P3(Dog)…Pn. I think you will be banned