Running scrapers and getting these errors

Hey guys, i wanted to ask you why im getting this kind of errors while running scrapers:

“Confirm it’s You to Login
We noticed unusual activity from your account so we’ve logged you out.
Follow the next steps within 30 days so we can try to get you back into your account before it’s disabled.”

Can you tell me please why i’m getting these so fast? I basically get them in 30-60 minutes from when i imported accounts on mp and started scraping via “follow tool”. My settings are really low, like ~15 follow per hour per account. I have no idea why i get my scrapes locked so fast. Any idea?

Also, i get “captcha” for other accounts as well, even faster - once i imported accounts or in 5 minutes…

Do you enable delay settings and API limits in your scraper accounts’ advanced settings? How many accounts are you using per proxy?

you have to make sure that all basic stuff are set correctly, proxies, 1-2 scraper per proxy, API limits, good warmup, low settings, if you bought those accounts the provider should be trusted and with good reputation, if you created them you should use good quality proxies.

Im not using proxies at all.

And no i dont enable api limits nor delays. I also dont do a warmup.

Any guide where i could learn all of this?

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please check your pm

You need to use proxies. You are putting too many accounts on the same ip and risking your main account.

Search scraper settings on this forum. You will find lots of tutorials

Just replied to your PM. You should use proxies on your scraper accounts.
Take a look at this thread: