Same hashtags each post .. does it hurt reach/engagement?

Find 50 good hashtags and use mp to find related ones.
Once you have 200 hashtags, Inspect them manually.
Do not overlook this step.
You can’t rely on using only related hashtags without inspecting them. Make sure you’re using the right hashtags. E.G. Brides Photo - Wedding hashtags. Don’t go after irrelevant hashtags.:smile:

Using dynamic hashtags tab in repost tool you’ll be able to post them in comment sections of a new post. I divide hashtags into two boxes:
Left box - big hashtags 900k + post count. I use 30% of these
Right Box I pick 70% of hashtags that are between 100k-700k post count.
Max hashtags per post 15-25

If you rank on small ones, you’ll get enough likes and momentum to rank on big ones.

Hope this was helpful. :blush:


P.S. This will not work for you if you don’t have enough organic likes to push small hashtags and rank under top 9.

I did my research based on how many likes I can estimate to receive organicaly ( based on this I am using average numbers of likes + comments of small hahtags knowing that I can rank)

Make sure you have these numbers in place :relaxed:

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I changed the strategy. I am using between 15-29 hashtags per post :blush:

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How come that range?

I’ve read about ideal amount of hashtags a couple of places from people claiming to have some type of “special” or “inside” info. One of the “special” sources claimed 10-15 to be ideal, the other 15-20. The sources might be bs for all I know though.

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@momcilouzunovic First of all thank you for the experiment and the tips, it made everything so much clearer, props to you!

I saw that you use the repost tool on Jarvee, I found some problems with it like some pages reposting copies of other photos on the same page or shitty captions.
If I am not asking too much:

  1. Could I ask you a screenshot of your Caption sample?
  2. Could I ask you how you can avoid reposting the same photos?
  3. Could I ask you which time of the day do you post and to how much did you set the minimum engagement % required?
  4. Could I ask you if you comment and like back yourself or if you automated that too?

I know it is a lot of questions sorry :tired_face:

In any case thank you a lot, I’m trying to figure all of this stuff out!


Wow these results are crazy! Congrats. How are you effectively targeting so many people in a certain city?

Also posting 10-15 times per day? Is that safe?


Manually find 50 good ones and with MP find 200 related ones and Inspect them all :slightly_smiling_face:

Geo Tags mostly! Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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I lowered posting to 10x day

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Ok thanks and when reposting do you change the image to make it unique? Can you share your settings?


For all the people who are wondering how to get bulk amount of related hashtags, check out this tool. Actually its not a tool like website, its a free software.

The approach with 70-80% more specific and 20-30% more popular hashtags is great! I’ve read that few days ago when I read the course of the Jarvee software itself. I recommend everyone to read it, newbie or pro - this is really good knowledge, a lot of basic stuff, but very detailed. And its for free!


Yes I do, always

Ok great, can I see your settings please if it’s not too much to ask? I see you’re getting amazing results and I just want to try and replicate what you’re doing in a different niche.


Any new updates on your hashtag strategy?

Is it just me or have they changed something to hashtags/engagement in the past couple of days?

On my accounts the last week it I’ve noticed using around 10-15 hashtags has gotten me better or the same engagement as my post using 25-28 hashtags and I’ve definitely seen less action in post were I max out the hashtags and my reach is getting shot when I use the same hashtags multiple days in a row

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Happened to me half a year ago, used exactly same hashtags on every post, after 5-6 times I was shadowbanned… But it also was 30 hashtags (stupid me) so that could also be the reason…

I would try using different hashtags each post so you are covering more ground that way instead of appearing on the same hashtags every day and possible pushing your top posts out of spot with your own posts.

I thought about this, but do you think you could really do it? I mean if your new posts dont get the same engagement as the ‘top post’ you have up there, wouldn’t it just make it harder to remove your top post since the new content isnt even touching it as far as engagement?

Man those are insane results , nicely done boy

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