Scheduling to Pinterest Group Boards?

I’m hoping to replace BoardBooster with MassPlanner for automating my pinning to group boards in Pinterest. Currently in BoardBooster I can tell it which group boards to pin to on which days/times. It pulls the source pins from secret boards. Can anyone give suggestions on the best way to do this in MassPlanner? Is this possible?

Are you going to pin images directly from your website to group boards, or you’re going to repin already pinned images?

I was planning on uploading from my computer. But any of those three ways would work (i.e. upload, pin from website or repin)…

If you want to publish pins from your computer or website you’ll have to use campaigns. I prefer standard campaign.

Since you want to publish different pins on different boards, you’ll have to create separate destination list for every board and separate campaign for every destination list.

Then you can start adding posts to corresponding campaigns. When you add image, add description too, then also add Pinterest Source URL - this will be the url where pinterest users will be sent after they click on image, so I guess, it’s a link to your website.

Add destination list in when to publish tab and set how many posts and when to publish posts in when to publish tab. Start the campaign, you’re ready to go.

For repin tool, you’ll have to set up settings and add sources for each board separately. Go to tools section, click on your Pinterest account and then choose the board where you want to repin to. There you can set how many repins you want to make, sources to use and see the results.


Thank you for that detailed response. My issue is that I do not want to publish one pin to all my group boards in one day. I want it spread out. Using the standard campaign doesn’t allow me to specify how many destinations to publish to in a given day, just how many pins (or posts) to send to all the destinations. Is that correct?

From what I can tell, the only current solution might be to create a campaign for each day/set of group boards? I.e. on Day 1 publish the post to group boards 1, 2 & 3. Then on Day 2 campaign publish to group boards 4, 5 & 6, etc…

It sounds like you’ll need some pretty complicated settings.

Let me know to how many boards exactly you’re going to publish on , how many pins(posts) per day on each board, how many boards you have on your destination list, are you going to use inly one or more Pinterest profiles… Anything you can think of.

Then I’ll try to suggest some settings for your campaign.

I believe I have figured out a solution. I have around 70+ boards that I want to publish to. Usually max 3 pins per day. What I did was split out my boards into different campaigns and set each campaign to publish on a different day of the week. This is all for one pinterest account.

If you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

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No suggestions unless you’re not satisfied with how the things are working now :slight_smile: