[SOLUTION] [JUNE2019] Action/Follow Block Wave! (MEGA THREAD)

okay let say it’s coming from my settings what can be the problem knowing that warmedthe first 2 week with max 15 follow per day also i noticed that i can unfollow more than 80 per day so why unfollow can work and follow can’t ?

and if it’s a proxy problem knowing that i already got many action blocks and pv on same ip do you change your proxy everytime you get follow action blocks ?

Forcing your account all time to blocks, is not best idea.

This screen as you can see is without any warming.

As I said, you got wrong proxies and settings.

what do you mean by forcing my account to block ?

If you are blocked, and nothing works. Pause accounts for 24h.

There is not answer for this.
Unfollowing is less strict than following

and what about if i can follow after clearing cookie because it always work but for a short time 5 hours after same problem

I would say proxies. Had same issues. Changed proxies and works correctly. I dont know gmt system well, never used that software.

So far I haven’t received any new account compromised messages since having disabled that option so it does look very promising but still very early days to say for sure.

Yeah not sure what the solution is with that though. We can’t just leave accounts sitting there doing nothing so currently it seems that the only solution is too push passed the blocks. Will try not push passed the blocks with a group of accounts and see if this will work better. The issues do not seem to be as bad as a few weeks ago.

It seems like the software is unable to recognize the ‘continue as xxx’ to log back in when it made itself log out thus thinking it has in some way been blocked. For that reason it gives a fake temp block. So yeah unchecking that option def seems to help getting rid of fake follow blocks

I have been receiving temporary blocks on nearly all of my accounts pretty much every day. Is this normal?
When an account recieves a temporary block, how long should I wait before restarting the tool?


Any help would be hugely appreciated!

I think this option looks really suspicious for IG, also the use EB when Api block.

Yeah I am still getting a lot of these myself but there are ways around them. The main 2 that I use are:

  1. Enable these 2 settings.

  2. Clear the cookies and toggle the tool

Logging out of the EB seems to help as well but this also seems to be what is causing the account compromised message. Apparently clearing the cookies can log you out as well so up to you if you want to try it


Thanks for this man, this is such a basic thing, WHY on earh is not Jarvee taking care of this? They are really lacking!

Also, if you are doing automation for your customers, would it be better if you use the same hw info that you customer phone is using for IG?

Thanks for the info. I’ll give them settings a try.

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Agreed but I think many things that we do look really suspicious to IG like just the total amount of actions that would be done on an account everyday. It would not be likely that a normal person would do that amount of actions each day. This to me is more suspicious than using the EB.

I’m assuming you don’t use these options, are you experiencing many of these issues?

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I wonder how we can get the hw id from iphones

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Sure! lemme know if it worked for you as well.

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I´m using https://www.whatismybrowser.com/ for the Embeded browser agent, but where can I get the info for the Api User agent?

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It did not work for me.
I use HC mobile proxies and contacted support and they were very unhelpful when I asked them to check the proxy. It had been several days and I could not perform any actions.
I then changed the proxy and the account began working again.
I relayed the info to HC support and again, they were very unhelpful.
But the start and restart technique did not work for me and I was still unable to perform any actions