(SOLUTION) Resurrect the Jarvee Like Exchange

HI Crew,

So Jarvee released the fix for the Like Exchange but all seed accounts are usually suspended so the Like Exchange is only giving about 10 likes a session.

So a quick solution is replacing your seeds and using residential proxies, but the problem here is cost.

The solution is smartproxy.com residential proxies, cost is $75 per month for 5gig and Unlimited proxies and Liking photos is not a lot of data (especially via api)

Steps --> Signup to proxy, replace all proxies with residential proxy, reset device ID, verify & clear cookies, Email Verify, and accounts will start participating in the like exchange.

For the Like Exchange to perform again it requires the community to participate and invest in being active, myself I am adding 800 seed accounts across 27 servers.

Here are the Jarvee settings to use to prevent multiple EV


So you don’t use any mobile proxies?

Not for like exchange

I second this post…I have also been able to get my accounts to stop being suspended by using a residential IP. Anything else is either suspended straight away or after 1 or 2 sessions.


just use mobile proxy. it’s saver for now.
And not too expensive btw.

Cool, we need the community to get involved, I can’t seed 300,000 likes a day and not get any in return…lets all refresh our accounts and get residential IP’s


I’ve put all my seeding accounts on residential and mobile but majority of my .ru accounts still get suspended after a couple hundred likes given. I need to buy some better accounts to seed.


Hey Guys, Update

I added another 400 seed accounts to the Like Exchange, and it appears NEW Aged accounts work well, on residential IP’s.

You can see top here are aged accounts and the ones delivering are new aged accounts.


All my account can do likes.
Last seesion in from the 29.

what is up ? why I am not gettig any like in return ?

How many accounts do you have @scking? I think a lot of people (myself included) are wondering the same thing.

I can do likes with LE but not receive

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I give likes with 10-15 all able to do likes.
I don’t get any like to my 50~ accounts that use this.

So basically I started to create my own fake - real also in my language accounts.
They will only use for this :slight_smile: no need LE jsut time

Same, I’m able to give likes, but can’t receive any since 6/28

Whats your queue look like? Mine has such a backlog of extracted posts that i guess all users that are not giving are receiving the pool, I guess their credits will eventually run out… I have hundreds of accounts to introduce but I am still waiting on them to follow each other so they reach the minimum 100 followers and right now im stuck in PV and EV trying to bring on too many

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max/min likes until now (after June 28) was 99/8 and on a post
if you export the overall session info you will notice that likes are going somewhere, but in the past more likes were given
my accs are facing some difficult these days to perform likes, days ago they were running like a charm
points balance +63250
jarvee said something about that?

In the process of adding more accounts, but panels are taking days to deliver followers (so my accounts can qualify). Points balance is dwindling. This is frustrating.

So fustrating, same problem here, I have 800 accounts to add but panels are slow on followers, created a circle to follow, but between PV and EV taking a while

Guys I dont know about you, but I have pumped in about 20,000 likes to the exchange today and received about 25 back.

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Where the heck are all these likes going??