🆘 Help young man to survive - Thanks

Hi guys, just wanted to share this with you since I know there are a lot of good people on this forum that might be able to help.

I wouldn’t do this if I don’t know the story behind it and the guy that needs help. Any donation is welcome, more info about his current situation and what happened on link:

Donation link removed. 20th May 2019


@Adnan I’ll be donating shortly. You d mentioned some good charities, so I’d be happy to help.


Thanks @wortime , I felt you’ll be first one :smiley:
Guy is really in trouble, I saw him personally couple of days ago and he doesn’t look good, really needs the surgery. He can’t afford it though, I believe it costs somewhere about $80K (you don’t have to pay for everything :smiley: )


Thanks for sharing, i’ve donated, hoping he is able to get his surgery.


Thanks @Dobeedo , appreciate it.


Bumping to at the very least keep this visible. If I could donate, I would. Watching a friend fight stage 4 cancer has been rough, so I can relate to watching the financial struggles of medical care first hand… and it sucks!


Sorry I was at work and mobile. Just donated.

For many of you have just recently joined the forum, a long time ago there was a member who solicited “coffee fund donations” in exchange for guides. While many of the guides were great, they slowly became a way for this person to milk every penny from every person he could.

He chose to leave the forum. There was a bit of a debate about what we should do. Many of us wanted to help others, but perhaps send the money to charities.

@Adnan brought up a really good point. Many charities are frauds. Still, many of these are just ways for people to scam others.

Since @Adnan is very charitable (he won’t tell you publicly so I will, sorry not sorry Adnan), he has been finding ways to help in his country.

Please take a moment and think of the number of times a member, any member, took the time to help you. Chances are pretty good that help was invaluable in terms of time, or money.

I trust @Adnan. If he knows this person (and god damn does it suck whats happened to this guy), then please take another moment and think about donating to directly impact another person’s life. He must be going though a terrible ordeal, and they are halfway to their goal.

Many online forums rally around a cause from time to time and can do some really great things. Why don’t we see what we can all do, collectively, to help Hako? I will pledge 10% of my earnings this month, spread out every week until this goal is met. Some of you can afford it, some of you can’t. And that’s OK.

I hope this guy gets the surgery he needs.

EDIT: If we as MP social help this guy hit his goal, I swear to little baby jesus, all swaddled up in his manger that I will make an effort to be around 90% less a$$hole. That still leaves 10%. But that would be a huge improvement. I pinky swear.


I also donated a bit. We have an awesome community here, so its cool we can stick together for stuff like this.


Thanks @wortime , I hope you inspired some members to donate.

:joy: we love you as you are :joy:

Thnx @ian I know you would. That sucks big time yeah, luckily it’s not cancer in this case and everything can be fixed, all what’s necessary are finances.

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Thank you @Itachi
Appreciate it a lot.


Agreed! Thanks for donating. Who’s next!

Just donated. I wish your friend speedy recovery and thanks for helping him out!!


Thank you very much! :slight_smile: we hope for the best.


Done man. Shared on FB too.
Most importantly, hopes he gets well really soon.


Awesome. I love this community.


Donated. Such a shame that this happened to someone. Wishing him well, and also strength for his mother during this time.


Just contributed. Thanks for sharing. I hope enough people donate so he can afford the surgery, blessings to him.


Thanks guys, really appreciate it! :slight_smile:


Usually I am also very sceptical about such fundraising. But what would be the worst case scenario? It would be: Adnan has lied to us and the money is gone to a scammer. But who doubts that ADNAN is a genius and is making likely damn a lot of money online?! So there is no need for him to fool us.
If he says:

… than there is every reason to believe him.
And there is one more reason to give something: I bet, ADNAN has helped every single of us. His advices were worth DAMN a lot. Even giving 10$ to this fund is nothing compared what ADNAN has done for us. So what are just some dollars if there is the life of someone at stake?!

Will donate now.

Thank you, @WORTIME, that you made me aware of this thread. :smiley: :v: maybe just two notes: Could you edit your post a bit as there is something mentioned that we usually should not mention in public threads… ? Thank you :bouquet:
Also : usually you say we should not tag users in threads just to get their attention. Maybe this thread is an exception, what do you think?


@all: one more reason to donate:
Most of you wouldnt believe what I make through this community, it is ridiculous, it is not much. But there is the

"Law of attraction":

Everything in your life was attracted by you. So if I dont believe to make money in future, I will attract a low-income or even poverty. If I donate now, because I believe, I see and I feel my future abundance, then this will happen. Part of the law is also:

So, believe you will make (even more) money :money_with_wings: in future. Give a donation, but only (if you dont expect something in return and it is) from your heart :heart_decoration: .
And then keep your belief and you will receive a lot of :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: .