Targeting directly through Jarvee/GMT2 VS. Scraping Users beforehand

Yep, that was my experience as well. I tried it when the scrape feature first came out and saw that is was simply not working, as you also found out. I didn’t take it up with support though. They had just made a massive update to include the scraping that I had agitated for, and it was too much for me to complain and ask for more functionality at that time. I was hoping maybe that was something that was fixed/added in the meantime. But maybe a new feature request thread could nudge things in that direction in the future.

That’s why I was curious and suprised when you said you where doing that too and I was waiting to see if ended up working for you or not :-p It is a great idea though and it is a shame it does not work, cause there is a gap in the market at the moment for an app that can filter in bulk based on keywords and filters. I’m working on a project that will scrape in bulk and allow you to filter afterwards excel style, but that’s not quite the same and at any rate it’s not ready yet and won’t be ready in the short-short term.

Ha, I am the boss at complaining about MP and asking for more features lol. I combine use of Imristo, MP, and the tools I am working on to get to my end goal. Its not super convenient though for bulk pre-scraping, that’s why we need something more tailored to that use. Sorry that I don’t have any magic bullet… yet. If IG does not implode in the next months though, a solution will appear :wink:

To get what you want, with the powerful MP filtering, your best bet right now is to just use the live-scraping functionality set up as many scrape accounts as you need and let em rip to provide you with high quality follow sources. So this is not pre-scraping, and you should use a list of sources as opposed to list of specific users. If you go all out with the scrape accounts, with redundancy, you can more or less ignore any scrape accounts having issues as you will get your resutls anyways.

Its a bit of a pain to setup a lot of scrape accounts and all that, but afterwards it is set and forget. You can of course also set it up to scrape and deposit results in the extracted user list and pick those out later to use as specific users, whatever you prefer. It will take a while to collect results at first, but if you plan ahead this is a viable strategy too. I have a few scrape accounts just collecting targeted users that I know I will use later down the line.

Another way to go is to take your big ol list of specific users that you where trying to use as specific users in the Scrape accounts and use them as specific users in the actual accounts doing the following. Do enable the use filters checkbox. This does work and will take of at least part of the API calls-load. The cool thing with this method is that you can also remove any users found in your ignore list and existing followers before putting your list in MP, so that helps a bit too. I am sure you know this already and want to avoid those extra API calls and all the troubleshooting that goes with that, but mentioning it for the heck of it :-p

All these methods work fine for now, they are just more work than we would like… I get that you are looking for the most painless way, but as it stands, we must still suffer a bit to get our results.


Yeah this is what I have decided to do, it seems like Jarvee really doesn’t allow otherwise right now… So sad, the imristo + “send to extracted users” on Jarvee combo would’ve been so nice, was super hyped about that…

That is exactly what I am trying to do, so I will go with otion 1, at least everything is automated, though it will use more ram and more scraper accounts probably…

I kinda don’t get how you use imristo though if you can’t do what we both wanted to do? Or do you just use imristo + jarvee, but simply following directly instead of “sending to extracted users”?

Hope Jarvee fixes this in near future…

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Imristo still works for me for scraping (not filtering) in bulk from usernames. That’s all though, none of the other features work. So if I need a lot of accountnames fast, thats what I use. The rest of the steps will require some other tool to extract more data and filter.

Me too although I suspect it will take some pushing from the userbase as they tend to implement things that are asked for by a lot of users and are not a total pain to execute.

Good luck with that! Yes, it was nice while it worked :frowning: But onward forward to new solutions!

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How would we do this “pushing”? :slight_smile:

Definetly, thanks for your imput!

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Make a feature request thread with a great explanation that makes people excited to use the feature and explains how it will work and why its needed. Add a poll… hope it gains traction… send it to MP support… also ask anyone who you know is interested in this feature to vote. If that does not work straight off the bat, go for the long game. Every time you see someone talking about an issue where they could benefit from this, mention it to them and ask them if they want to vote on your feature request, leave a relevant comment and send a message to support about it. Once you feel that you have gathered enough votes, send it to MP again or tag Daniel so that they may reconsider due to overwhelming popular demand. Don’t push too hard too soon though since they may shoot it down it you are premature.

BTW When people comment on a thread, it gets put back on top and more people will see it and may be inclined to support it. But you cant just spam comment your thread, try to facilitate a real conversation on the topic to keep it in the first page of the forum as much as possible or your request may get entirely overlooked and lost.

I’d make it but I am way over my quota for feature requests for the next decade :stuck_out_tongue: (there is no quota, but you gotta be reasonable and not abuse the option to ask for stuff if you want people, especially the devs, to still listen to you).

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Haha seems like you’re quite good at requesting new features lol :slight_smile:
Will definetly do that when I find time! We have 2 votes now, I guess that is already enough don’t you think :thinking::joy:

Hey curretnly setting it up, thus rereading this thread. Could you please elaborate on this? I kinda don’t get it :confused:

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I’m trying to find a tool to scrape usernames of followers(also interactors) of a target account (like nike). I’ll use excel to filter gender(My audience is strictly female). Then I’ll add this list to my bot, which will further filter and interact with the accounts in the list. (My bot can filter based on private/public, # of followers, # of followings, # of posts, etc.) This way I can get

  1. A laser targeted user list. Hence higher follow-back ratio.
  2. No need to worry about multiple accounts interacting/DMing the same target user.

If you want the excel formula, just DM me(because it’ll be extremely difficult to explain the formulas on a post) If a lot of people want it, I’ll make a post about it.

The thing is I can’t find a good username scraper tool. :frowning: I tried using “Helper tools for Instagram extension” but it could only fetch 1990 usernames, after which it gets a Error code 429. IDK what that means but I’m pretty sure I can’t use it to scrape a lot of usernames in the long run.

  1. Are you still using imRisto scraper to scrape usernames?
  2. How many usernames can you scrape in a day?
  3. Also, does do you have to use your accounts on the tool to start scraping?

No I’m not using imristo anymore, I have a different set-up now.
But for the way you want to do it imristo should be good, faster than Jarvee. Yeah you need accounts to be logged in to be able to scrape. As far as I know there is no scraper who can do this without being logged in…

Still using imristo? I used to love it but then it got logged out and when i wanted to retreive it my account didnt exist. Feel like i’m scammed out.

Anyways, any other useful tools for it without having to use jarvee?


I only use Jarvee, nothing else actually

I used Jarvee for scraping. Quite spectacularly scrapes usernames but can only do 45-55K atmost from one source.

Is it still advised with all the API call issues? I’d preferably want to use seperate IG accounts for scraping

can anyone please explain me how to set up the “master profile” - the one receiving the scraped users from another profile? I understand how to scrape users and send them to the main profile, but in the latter… how do I “tell” Jarvee to use the scraped users instead of the sources which I entered in the main account? thanks!!!

Each source has a ranking. Rank the “specific users” at a higher rank than the other options and it will prioritize them.

Hi there, very interested thread - pulling my hair out with Jarvee ATM…
I’m trying to use the follow tool to send scraped results from 1 popular hashtag - It doesn’t work. It produces 1 result after 5 minutes that has nothing to do with the hashtag lol.
The scraper account and proxy work as I can manually scrape very well with the regular scraper tools from a set account… But not the follow / send to extracted tool.
Very few filters set.
Frustrating. Anyone else having luck with this tool? Can you not scrape from a hashtag?