πŸ›‘ The Scammers Database πŸ›‘

###Below Is A Database Of Scammers
Use this list as a reference of who not to do business with.

If you have been scammed, or know of any scammers, comment below so I can add them to the list. Add as much information that you know about the scammer.

##List Of Scammers & People Never To Do Business With

Name: Mich Roosevelt OR Miss K
PayPal Email: mich.roosevelt@hotmail.com
Instagram Username: xo__cherryboo_
SnapChat Username: boss_ladyy08
Other Known Usernames: misk983
Address: 4-2701 DES OISEAUX, APT 4, LAVAL, QC, H7L3Y8, Canada

…more will be added soon!


What’s the reason for adding this guy? Did he hurt you? :smiley:

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I don’t cherryboo is a guy’s name. :smile:

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Oh, it’s she, not he :slight_smile: I read that before, jut forgot about it. Thanks for sharing

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Sorry to hear that. I think that’s just part of doing business. Good luck.

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I was scammed by a user in this forum

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Story, please?

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Unless you provide some information as to what happened / who did it to you, etc, your comment should be deleted.

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Please follow this


Another user in the forum offered to provide a service to recover my account. The first time he recovered it he used a Vpn app with a bad proxy so my account was deactivated again the same day. He said he knew what the problem was so I paid again, but got no updates on the status of my account. When I asked about the progress he told me β€œhe was too busy with helping other people and finishing the school term” so I used the information in this forum and was able to urban my account myself. He refused to refund any of my money and then blocked me on social media. Here are some screen shots, I have more.
User name : patchthealpha
PayPal : patryk misiak pmisiak@gmail.com
Instagram: patchthealpha_aj

I also have plenty more screen shots, I am still able to access our Dm even though he blocked me.

hmm, what is his Mpsocial username?

It’s listed above. Patchthealpha

Find nobody with that name. Do you mean β€œpatch” ?

The last time I recovered my account (on my own) was 2-3 weeks ago. I asked then would I be getting any of my money back because this was the second time I paid him for a service that I ended up getting resolved on my own. He refused, and told me my account was deactivated because it’s not a β€œlegitimate business.” BS. I have filed my business through the state. He then went on to say that my backup page would probably get deleted as well

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That has happened to me before when I was modding on 360 and modded accounts for income. I would do it and maybe a a day or 2 later they would dispute saying I never did anything, or they would even do it a month later lol, they wanted to get their money back.

People think they can just scam us out of shit and be slick.

Oh right. There is that username. Sorry, i am not good enough using the seatch bar haha

He is just acting all supportive to avoid giving money back lol

Do you pay him through Paypal pay to business method? If you do it that way, you can open a dispute