Since most countries are going through a lockdown phase due to COVID19 spread, most of us are grounded and working from our home office, so what have you been learning in this phase or plan to learn in this time period since we have more time to learn and implement than we have ever had?
Seriously considering pulling the trigger on learning some automation. I’d love to get to the point where I could play around and learn M/S, but I’m on 80% of my normal wage right now - UK employee lockdown scheme hits hard - so I’m still thinking about it.
In the meantime, reaching out to all my local influencers to build good relations away from social media. Texting/DMing/conversing with 20 to 40 people takes time and we have lots of that now!
- Davinci resolve for client ads
- Build my frist shopify store
- Breakout new methods for growth in MS system
Building my own vegan IG network
Reading more books from my library
(Ie: Presence, How not to Diet, and The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem)
Trying to get my main Youtube channel approved for monetization and starting a TikTok page.
I also got free access to Codeacademy Pro for 3 months, so I’m learning web development as well.
Its the best opportunity to work with m/s right now since IG have losened up alot in recent days though I doubt if its going to stay the same for long.
@Alexnvo I wonder why didn’t you build a store yet. You have been successful in the game for quite long now and been consistently doing well.
@tripleyourtribe Could you elaborate what you mean by vegan IG network?
@ossi getting youtube monetized can be done any point of time but definitely no better time to start on tiktok
because I also work a regular full time job. with that and insta never got around to it.
i guess you can call it my own m/s network.
I’ve been coaching clients around instagram for the last couple of years and I felt I’m losing my touch and stepping away from that. So I want to focus on growing my own project.
I didn’t have time to do some research on what works and what doesn’t work on YT now. I also need to delete my videos and create new contents, basically I need to start over. So, it takes much time.
I am learning everything related to Youtube atm.
Applying everything I learned so far to grow my IG network organically.
Read marketing books before sleeping.
what about you, how come you’re not sharing what you’re doing?
I’m trying to get back to IG automation and learning SEO
I am only spending this time in repairing health. I spend 3-4 hours a day in exercise and resting for the remaining part along with reading news and learning stuff on execution of my forthcoming venture.
How to grow my 3 TikTok accounts and settle myself as an authority in the TT expertise. (Consultant)
I am thinking about opening a Youtube channel based on TikTok marketing.
Also I am working on my health making sure I exercise at least 3 days per week.
What kind of diet / nutrition you doing? I was keto/carnivore before the quarantine, was ripped, but now I’m eating carbs and getting that carb belly again xD
Thats great. Tiktok is in high demand these days.
I am just following my regular ovo lacto vegetarian diet eating once a day + fruits/salad diet once + milk and cereals, all this within first 8 hours of the day. Since I sweat heavily I intake 5 litres of water a day. Exercise regime includes spending time primarily on treadmill and crosstrainer so far. The major change I brought in my diet was removing chemical based food, only eating home cooked food, and not taking dinner. So far I lost 7kg in last 3 weeks which is only 20% of my goal bringing down my weight from 110kg to 103kg. I am not avoiding high carb or high fat food but I have limited them to twice/thrice a week only. Avoiding food from restaurants and chemical based food does makes a massive difference.
I can relate to that the belly is getting bigger and bigger every day, one thing tho, when the gym opens again we will suffer for sure
first weeks will be hoodies and large pants
watched every video about IM marketing so it seems, and from that was inspired to start my own small network for some income in the future (hopefully)
I can already feel the DOMs in the legs