What is Clickscrowd? We are a Unique Pay-Per-Click network

We are a Unique Pay-Per-Click network that’s been around for a long time but we were closed for open public… We worked mainly on invites and referrals… We have a new system in place now, and we are looking to grow steadily by opening our gates for general public… We are offering people who have traffic or know how to get it a way to monetize their traffic.

Currently we are offering only one test offer (make money from home - biz type offer) for those that are interested to start with,
but if you are interested in different offer types you can contact us, and we can possibly include other offers that you can promote.

UPDATE 12/24/2018: We’ll be start adding more new offers in upcoming weeks

Here are some further details:

-----------------What is Clickscrowd™----------------------------------------------------------

  • Clickcrowd™ is an affiliate network that can offer you a pay-per-click monetizing method for your traffic.
  • For each offer we have in our network we will individually calculate the pay rate we can offer you per click
  • For the offer we currently have installed we pay $0.5 per each click on the link for new affiliates and up to $1 per click for affiliates that have a proven good quality traffic.

-----------------What do we provide you-----------------------------------------------

  • Each affiliate gets a personal affiliate page where you can track your clicks stats and get some advanced metrics you can use for optimizing your promotion efforts
  • We provide you with a pre-tested high converting landing page connected with your affiliate link that is ready to use right away (no need for you to create your own pages)
  • We offer daily support in Skype chat to help you improve your results
  • We are always opened for new suggestions for further improving every aspect of your network

----------------------How are Clicks getting counted----------------------------------
(For a click to get counted for you 2 things need to happen.)

  1. Visitors needs to click on your affiliate link we assigned to you => A landing page will open for them
    2.After the landing page opened, visitors needs to click on any of the links on the landing page that opens for them
    Both 1 and 2 - needs to be completed for a click to get counted.

------------------------Traffic rules-------------------------------------------------------------

  • Clicks need to be 100% genuine and of good quality (NOT dead traffic that is not converting at all)
    -The following traffic sources are not accepted: PPV, pop-up or pop-under traffic.
  • No low quality source of traffic, such as underage users.
  • No e-mail spamming.
  • No deceptive advertising methods.
  • For the current running offer clicks needs to be from USA only!
  • Fake Clicks are strictly forbidden and anyone sending fake clicks will be terminated and can’t work with us ever again
  • We have advanced systems to detect fraudulent clicks.
  • Based on quality of the traffic and number of conversions we can offer better pay rate per click for those that can provide high quality traffic on continuous base

------------------------------Other General info------------------------------------

  • We pay on weekly schedule, every Monday affiliates get a full report on amount of clicks and payment earned for previous week, and report of duplicate and invalid clicks which are deducted from the final clicks count.
  • Duplicate clicks are those that happen when a same person clicks more than once on your domain… We don’t count duplicate clicks in your final clicks count.
  • Invalid clicks are those that happen when a visitor from outside of USA clicks on the link, or clicks from proxies, bots… etc

------------------------------Payment details-------------------------------------------

  • We offer 4 payment options:
  1. PayPal (no minimal payout needs to be reach for money to be sent - we sent you whatever amount you earn right away)
  2. Payoneer (no minimal payout needs to be reach for money to be sent - we sent you whatever amount you earn right away)
  3. Skrill (no minimal payout needs to be reach for money to be sent - we sent you whatever amount you earn right away)
  4. Wire Transfer (minimal payout you need to reach is $500 before we can send you payment)

Anoyone interested in joining our program can send it’s application on following page

We will contact you through email and schedule a skype chat interview when we receive your application.


Approved. Welcome!


I have submitted an application, will let people here know how it went.

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Thank you @Adnan

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Signed up :slight_smile:

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Application submitted :smiley:

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No probs, good luck.


What are the do’s and don’t on the promotion mate? is it allowed on Instagram and Facebook

Thought of a few questions…

How do you work out the unique visitors? I.e. if someone visits on week 1 and again on week 2 will they also be counted on week 2 or not as they’ve already visited on week 1?

How do you determine the value of a customer? Some may click the link and not buy anything immediately which will make the affiliate look like he/she is bringing in bad traffic, affiliate may not receive payment for this click due to it looking like dead traffic but then that visitor may buy something a few weeks late. What happens then? Bonus? Accounted for in the later weeks count?

What if traffic from countries either than USA clicks & converts? Still no pay-out due to the USA only rule or would you count this traffic?

Second Q is difficult to word - hope it made sense. Haven’t seen the landing pages so these questions may not be applicable…

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please approve me

I have also signed up with them and if I am right they always give you 0.50$ if an USA unique person presses the link to offer button on their landing page. So it doesn’t matter if he/she converts.
They don’t count other traffic then USA.

Hello everyone again… I want to first apologize for not answering some of the questions we got here sooner… We got bunch of applications from you guys and also had a crazy busy day so couldn’t manage to do it before.

So first since i got some message in my inbox about not getting reply from us… Make sure to open your skype, since we are sending the invites via Skype. @jas

Now let me address some of the questions here:

There are no do’s and don’t other than that we do not accept any kind of fake traffic… so along as your traffic is genuine and from real people whether it be from facebook, instagram, pinterest or any other social media network you should be fine. Just have in mind that traffic type like clickbait traffic or anything similar even though coming from real people is considered as fake traffic as well. We have pretty advanced system in place to monitor quality of traffic, so any fake forms of traffic are detected right away and accounts sending that kind of traffic are first warned and finally terminated if keep sending the fake traffic.

  1. How do you work out the unique visitors? - Click for any visitor is counted only once… so repeated visits are counted as duplicate clicks which are deducted from click report each week. The type of offer is of kind that is not getting a lot of repeated visitors anyways, so this shouldn’t be a problem.
  2. How do you determine the value of a customer? - affiliates don’t need to worry about the conversion part of the equation (that’s on us)… You only need to worry about getting visitors to visit the landing page and you get paid for that.
    Each affiliate is getting paid when he reaches 200 clicks = ($100) … 200 clicks are enough for our system to analyze the quality of traffic for each individual affiliate … Payments are on weekly schedule and you get paid each time you reach $100.
  3. Only Traffic for visitors from USA is getting counted and paid for.

@logen007, Have you sent an application at http://clickscrowd.com/signup.php24

I guess it will never worked for me because i have a facebook groups and all of them are USA members and i only monetize them for adsense and it seems it will not work because of repeated visitors.

Why will it not work? You can use all of the other social platforms. There are endless possibilities for this, the only limitation is your mind.

What i mean you can deliver only 1 time per visit traffic and i don’t have that kind of traffic.

@thomascmallory, Why not grow your facebook groups by inviting members… that way you can grow your group and there will be a flow of traffic, and it would be beneficial to your adsense as well…
How big is your group, may i ask ?


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Application submitted :smiley:
Waiting for Email or Skype

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Skype request sent to you :wink:

What’s your nick :slight_smile: ?