I’m evaluating different hosting models(shopify vs woocommerce vs wix vs opencart etc) for a drop shipping store and one thing that caught my attention over the internet is that people dislike wix so much but haven’t seen any convincing argument for that so far.
Between the arguments we can find:
==Its not flexible for customizations;
==You don’t have access to the backend;
==Can’t add javascript in the front end;
==bla bla bla;
==Its slow;
==Its for newbies
But then I ask myself what one needs to begin with. I work on IT for some time and can get my way around things quite well but don’t enjoy much having to code my front end and fight with PHP/HTML/CSS to display my square at the spot I want, so from that perspective wix seems to be great as its all drag and drop. Yes I dont have access to the backend but why would I need that in the first place? Wix has a web store module that comes with every fundamental feature you would want so I dont see why would one need back end access to start the business.
Yes I dont have access to cpanel and shit but why would I need that? Maybe I’m too ignorant but seriously, if wix takes care of that, why is that a problem? Yes I dont get to rdp into the vm hosting my site to look at things from an OS level but why do I need that? Its slow? Well, if we play devil’s advocate and say we subscribe to the 25$/month plan, can someone point out a solution out there for 25 bucks that is as fast as wix? Meaning, for 25 you get a hosted ecommerce shop completely managed infrastructure, with a team of technical engineers taking care of it, including all security tests and possibly pentesting, server management, system monitoring, and some say that is bad?
Ok so if you go with woocommerce stack, what can you get for 25$? Its free yes but can you do everything yourself? Maybe yes but that costs time or maybe not which then costs money to pay a freelancer to get it up to shape where you want and run the risk of having to hire more than 1 person because uu figured you hired a scammer. Oh and then you find that woocommerce doesnt even come with this feature you wantt and you need to buy a plugin on codecanyon anyways… I dont know, to me is a higher risk.
Wanna talk shopify where you have to pay for every fart? For 25$ can you have the same quality and flexibility and economy of time as with wix? I looked at their prices and anything decent in shopify doesnt cost less than 25$, even though I recognize that they include hosting.
So what is wrong with WIX to start a business? Wait, you wanna say scalling? I agree, if you get 50000 visitors per day it may be a challenge but if you are getting that much traffic most likely you are making shit loads of money and can afford to build something from scratch in magento anyways.
Really curious about your ideas? What am I failing to realize that makes a real difference?