What would you do with 25k+ Instagram accounts per day?

I’m genuinely curious. I am doing likes at $0.7/k for a private supplier, but wondering if there is anything better. What would you use them for? (For clarification, no I didn’t personally buy a proxy for every account.)

This is what I earned (orders were low today):

  • Price /K: $0.7
  • Amount Made: $39.0019
  • Likes Given: 55717
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So you have 25000 accounts and you are making 40$ daily from them? For that low money I wouldn’t even bother doing that. Why don’t you create your own panel or something.

Panels need investment.

Domain, hosting, marketing (promotion, thread design), and even then, the market is super saturated, and most are reseller panels. I only offer power likes at the moment, I’d have to code every other service or resell all the other services & I’d barely get any orders.

I’ve received 190 like orders yesterday, with my own new panel I’d barely receive 1/10 of that.

I’m looking to do something with the Instagram accounts, I just don’t know what.

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How do you create so many? I have the gram creator but where do you get the Proxies in that huge amount from?

Host many mobile proxies, you’ll be able to create at least a thousand per day on each if it’s a high trust factory city (high population density). What would you do with the created accounts?

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Create Pages, Create Engagement or affiliate marketing maybe.

How with Mobile Proxies?
I’ve got 3

If it’s logisitcally possible I would be flooding a niche(S) and have all content automated while reposting high engagement. Try to filter out the accounts that come out with good engagement and run shoutouts and account growth

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I can imagine how much fun it would be to set up 25k Instagram accounts in a specific niche

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No this doesn’t work anymore.

I tried many different proxies too that we discussed about.

Your service of Gramcreator doesn’t work and you told me that you was making an update with a the use of mobile numbers instead of emails.

Sorry, I can’t discuss anything about that. But just so you know, it has been added a long time ago.


Is this sarcasm? x)

They’re mostly burner accounts, they’ll get banned so there’s no point using them for growth atm.

Open your own panel? I mean, how is that investment-heavy?

Probably not as much money invested, but a lot of time invested. I also can only offer 1 service right now. Maybe followers too, but they disappear when the accounts are banned, and I wouldn’t be able to refill, that would be crazy.

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If you cannot refill don’t do it.
Continue to sell likes and filter the best one that are still live to offer more power growth.
You can offer mass mention if each accounts mentions 1 username/comment with 1k its easy to scale.
Offer mass post save and share.
Mass DM 1/DM/accounts to promote product or accounts, If you run 3K it’s 3K DM and still safe.
Btw as the OP said with quality proxy you can really create 1k/day.


this is what you should do. Great idea

i would sell drop service for coupons or marketing… ie send dm with offers and sell the dm by amounts

i have your lifetime software can you write up a blog post on your site so we can do the same?

How are DM’s with accounts nowadays? I heard 1 DM can get you blocked instantly.

Package them up as an IG campaign amplification network. Put up a dedicated website/lander. Reach out to niche PR/Media agencies and offer them your services. Assuming you can DM users, disseminate posts, and can provide some sort of campaign traceability (Reach, Views, etc.) you’re bound to close leads and add another layer of monetization to your accounts. Just an idea!

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