Where can I buy IG accounts?

Where can I go to find aged IG accounts with followers?


https://mpsocial.com/search?q=buying%20instagram%20accounts (More topics available when you’re a regular)


everywhere if you will search :))

I buy a lot of accounts. Here is some advice: DON’T BUY EVERYWHERE, DON’T BUY OFF A GOOGLE SEARCH. Do some due diligence. Look for reviews. There are people on here who are selling some solid accounts, but also some people here and elsewhere that are bs with what they are selling.

If an account has 25 posts with through the roof engagement and followers - they def are buying the engagement.

If you want a specific account niche - post about it in ‘want to buy’ and they will come :slight_smile:


Sidenote: I reccomend making sure the engagement levels are high. You could buy profiles with more than 100k users that will do nothing for you. Plus, try to find one using a similar theme you’re going to use, or else users will unfollow you en massé.

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