Why is it not recommended to run follow / unflollow at the same time?

but then you’re account wouldnt have any resting time/sleep time?

I’ve seen better results overall following and unfollowing at the same time than separately. Less action blocks and verification issues.

I’ve also heard directly from Jarvee support that it’s impossible to perform two actions at the same time so that confirms what @LuisEduardo is saying.


I can’t do this because I only run jarvee when the laptop is open.

So there are two options if I understand well. 1 is to select automatic follow unfollow on both tabs and 2 is to make it manually by using two non-overlapping time intervals, eg half day follow and half day unfollow. But option 2 does not work as many users suggested, to do 5 days in row following and then 5 in row unfollowing.

Maybe the only option left for this 5-5 days setting is the automatic tool.

I thought that many members concluded that this 5-5 days method worked well, that’s why I opted for it. But since many topics were transferred to level 2 I am not sure anymore for the details.

Personally, I think that a normal user is more possible to do follows and unfollows at the same day. The uses unfollow as they scroll down their home page and see photos they do not longer like and then switch to the explore page and may follow others that they like.

But here I wanted to give the more tested and suggested settings for the tool.

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Because it is hard to manually follow and unfollow too at the same time, especially through api.

@InfinityGram But with big enough delay it should be fine?

You can test it but if the traditional F/FU works then why would you overcomplicate it😋

That was just random numbers I put to make the example easier.

thanks for the tip. I am running both actions together so I should split them.

I have been doing F/U manually since some months, like 10 odd follows then 10 odd unfollows and repeating for few hours daily and have have not had any issues so far… but yes very few times have I ever hit the 200 per day limit…

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