Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked Instagram

We’ve detected suspicious activity on your Instagram account and have temporarily locked it as a security precaution.

It’s likely that your account was compromised as a result of entering your password on a website designed to look like Instagram. This attack is known as phishing.

Over the next few steps we’ll ask you to verify your identity to help secure your account, and let you log back in.

My instagram account was hacked. Account is locked.
They changed my mail so I can’t unlock my account with mail.
Instagram account was linked on my fb account.
I reported the problem from instagram second account but only reply was automatic message from fb (help. instagram. com/), that didn’t help me.
Is there any way to get my account back to me?

My instagram account was hacked. Account is locked.
They changed my mail so I can’t unlock my account with mail.
Instagram account was linked on my fb account.
I reported the problem from instagram second account but only reply was automatic message from fb (help. instagram. com/), that didn’t help me.
Is there any way to get my account back to me?

Add your phone number on the FB account. After a few days try to recover your IG account again. Hopefully IG will show you an option to recover the account via phone number.