Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked

Hi David,

This makes sense as my scrapers are making tons of api calls in a short period of time. I will try it with the ones that are VALID and see if they remain that way. One “issue” though, where do I find these settings?

Thanks for the answer!


Social Profiles > select the account > check ‘Show Advanced Profile Settings’



I’m still getting crushed by these.

Anyone else?


Multiple clients getting these messages in last 24-48 hours. Both verified accounts and standard accounts. They are afraid and change password immediately. Any idea whats going on? Did Instagram changed some limits again.

There was an update, you have to look for tiny bits always. Instagram app loads differently than before, logo appears and loading takes longer, both on browser and app. My main accounts also got this message, I’d suggest stopping all but test accounts and see whats next

Never ending bs with Ig updates how it goes within year we won’t be able to work anything at all… even for devs it take weeks to understand whats changed and if there are ways to fix this.

Until elections my main goal is to not lose accounts.

I’m switching bots off at night right now, at least I can monitor during the day if im getting many bans

I also think due to elections social media restrictions are bigger, but it could be just our guessing. I hope things get better, not worse.

i got this on 15 accounts today

@iki @xstaC @dollardude16 now 95% of my accountS are hit with temporary lock msg. Are u guys using EB only?

But you can verify them all using the option on jarvee isnt it?

These are clients accounts. So they normally verify it On their side and pass me the new password Afterwards. This was manageable before as it only happened once a month or once in two month, but starting from last week it’s getting out of control. Now it’s happening almost everyday.

Using these restrictions on the scrapers has still resulted in “locked status”

My only short term solution was to actually warm up the scraper accounts.

First day: Just Login (No scraping)
Second Day: Scrape for couple of hours
And so on…

This has resulted in a much lower block status.

I actually think it’s not the accounts that have problems, but actually Jarvee’s way of handling the API calls.
So let’s say you have 3 main accounts performing actions. For this to work flawlessly you need, let’s say, 10 scraper accounts. But now my theory is Jarvee is not distributing the API calls evenly through the 10 scraper accounts so it just picks the first free scraper account, then makes all the calls until the account just dies, then goes on to the next.

It’s just a theory of mine, I might be wrong. What do you guys think?


Thats the point, 1 month ago it was same problem, people are getting scared and this time they actually don’t share the password but they just decide to stop with the service, and honestly speaking it is riskier than ever. Who knows if IG is going to delete accounts after multiple violations

Did you verified clients were doing massviewing on the russian service? It happened to me at the same time you send your message. They were not doing any action on the software, their accounts were just sitting doing nothing.

Do you use 4G rotating proxy?
Do you warm up the client’s account?
Are you performing other actions other than following/unfollowing?

My client accounts are still ok, just more soft blocks then before but my issue is with the scrapper accounts dying like crazy :frowning:

Yes same viewing

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Are u using EB only?

I use API for all of my accounts, but I am running Mother/Child for my business and no clients

I agree with @Awesome_Music_Dude - I notice many scrapers have up to 3x more API calls than some others. I will mention this to Jarvee today in reply to their email back and see what they say.

So far they have just blamed poor account quality and proxies, but I will see what I can do

That said, I currently have around 100 child accounts warming up with 300 scrapers (more to be added of course since 300 wont be enough at current times), but at 20 follows each I have received ZERO scraper bans (each have done 50-150 API calls only however)

I guess when a scraper dies we want to replace it fast and get it doing the same amount of calls but unfortunately this won’t be the case anymore. We may not hit as many Follows instantly through main account but if we learn how to warm up scrapers this will help us out long term and stop us getting Temporary Locked

I mean for those who have many clients I think you would prefer to give them another free week rather than deal with Temporary Locked

In terms of TL on Main account, I’m running child accounts not clients and usually get Captcha instead. But a couple of days ago I was getting Temporary Locked a lot (not sure why) they ended up getting PV or Captcha about an hour later though