Zennoposter vs Ubot vs Winautomation vs Uipath

Which one is the best,I am planning to buy one of them but I need suggestions before purchasing them,let me know what you guys think about this.

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Following with this comment because I’ve been wondering about this for some time. Passively looking to up my setup & one of these could be that key


I have tried Uipath and it’s the best but 2000$ a year is expensive unless I have a stable 5-6 figure income,anyways it’s meant for companies actually but any other ideas would be appreciated.

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I use UBOT developer, they are awesome if you want to automate website task. To automate apps like IG/TIKTOK/Snapchat you need a better programs


Try browser automation suite

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Better programs like?

How is your experience with that?

How to automate apps ?

I searched for reverse engineer apps but could not find anything good

There are ways you can automate them:

1.Apps like Automate/Tasker can do the job.
3.Java can do it but it needs some advanced programming

All of the above methods are not scalable unless the script which can be made in java,I had recently developed a script via appium but it doesn’t look scalable to me when you will be looking to automate 100s of accounts.

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What are you specifically trying to do?

Will be making my own bots for all purpose,cannot depend on the public ones.

Instead I learn myself and then do it.

I would highly recommend just hiring a developer. Save yourself time and focus on your business.

Thanks for this post. I have the same question about how to automate apps.

When you learn RPA Tools,you don’t waste your time but you learn things also.

And mnc’s and corporates can hire you full time for RPA Testing as this is a very lucrative field and in demand also,even if it is not then learning is never a waste of time in my opinion.

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Did any of those implement xpath yet? I was never a friend of css selectors.

1-2 years ago when I did some market research on that topic, all those bots get really complicated once the projects themselves have complex problems to solve.

I would really agree with @magic. For prototyping, it might be useful, but if it is supposed to become any level of serious, those are the wrong tools. Also, some people want to be a better marketer but become a developer in the process. Choose what you want to do and stick on that path.

In my early days of Internet Marketing, being a jack of all trades did not help much. Later on when you handle employees it is a useful “skill” to judge how long it will take people to complete certain tasks and if they are up to the job.


I agree but not completely,as of now I have a lot of spare time to learn new things apart from my degree so I just gave a thought about why not that we learn new things by that time when I have time.

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some people want to be a better marketer but become a developer in the process.

Wasn’t me. :eyes::joy:

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I used zenno and ubot, there isn’t really a bad choice, watch the instructional videos and see what seems better for you. However you could also learn the basics of a programming language with easy/medium difficulty (python, ruby, c sharp), and the time required for this will not be far off compared with learning how to fully use zenno/ubot. The later will costs you no money and you’ll have more freedom and versatility in developing. Though about zenno/ubot can be said is more noob friendly…

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I mostly prefer no code/less code RPA Tools for any of my requirements,also the claims that these tools make like ‘No code Tool’ is completely a lie,even if you don’t need coding in this but still you need to learn functions,libraries and many more things only in order to use the RPA Tools with their maximum potential.

Anyways even if someone learns in-depth RPA Tools,even that is a good skill in my opinion.

This is a good shout - install VS 2019 and start learning, lots of good Nugets out there!