Acc. got banned - Somebody Please Help Me

Hi, I am a popular model on Instagram. Recently my account got deactivated and I been trying my hardest to get it back. When I log in the CPA form where I have to explain why I am appealing there decision pops up. I read all the forums on this similar subject on here however I noticed they are dated last year and not sure if they work this year because I heard they updated it. So I was wondering if anybody have any steps or advice on how I can get it my account back. Even if you a recent story on you getting your account back this year & the steps you took would be helpful please. Once I recover my account. I will shout out the people that was
very helpful in any way. I have 856k with 13k-33k likes on my pictures. My page is very active so I don’t mind shouting out businesses or personal accounts. Thanks! IMG_20180219_182836


So why do you think you were disabled?

Also, you’ve read less than 1 minute here. Try reading the threads here and you’ll see the same exact answers each time.

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I read them all before I made this account so I wouldn’t waste anybody’s time and it say I got deactivated for sexually suggestive content. Which is weird because the last few photos I posted i only had on my two piece bikini I took at the beach.

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There is almost always a reason for the deactivation. Also, if you read those threads, then what did the threads say?

I know for a fact you are on mostly all of them. Including one where u was arguing with somebody in need of help. But to answer your question. Most say keep appealing there the links I seen people posted. But the posts are old so I’m not sure if it work. I tried one link and haven’t gotten no email

I am on most of them. Correct. The process is still the same. Keep appealing. If you read the other threads you’d know that people get disabled for mostly nudity, or copyright infringement.

Nothing fancy has changed in the last 2 weeks. Just because you haven’t gotten an email doesn’t mean it’s not what you are supposed to be doing.


Use this link: Follow the steps. Thats the only way to do it.

They can take a while to email back a reply sometimes. If they dont, they dont want you to have the account back. But they usually do reply at least once.


Thanks Cutie xoxo

Most model content could be found as sexually suggestive. It’s basically your niche so expect this to happen again from time to time. Do as BHVen said and be sure to keep the nipples covered. I’m not saying you aren’t but I see many ig models wear the whole “I’ve been caught in a fishnet” outfit. Things like that are what will get you disabled. Just a friendly reminder.

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Thanks Doll xoxo. Crossing Fingers

@wortime, looks like the Milton look is really paying off for you :wink:


But I didn’t just come here to make silly remarks.
Seems like any useful suggestions are being given by people who know more on the matter.
I hope you get the account back @Jessica


Thanks Doll. I be sure to keep that in mind once I recover it. xoxo

Lol super silly. Thanks Doll xoxo

I think I seen you on redtube before?


Can you think of any reason why your acc. got deactivated? This COULD you be essential for you to avoid any further ban in future (and if you mention the reason, it could help others here,too…).
As there is no official list of IG why they deactivate accounts, some of the discussed reasons in the forum could be true or are just pure speculation. Some people have said it could happen that you get your acc. banned when some people have reported your content as “nudity” (even though it is not the case). In this case the likelihood to get your acc. back should be very high.

You have a lot of followers, repesct :smiley: :+1: Just for your information, some months ago I saw someone on FB, also with a lot of followers, stating she got her acc. banned. She said she didnt do anything wrong.
Good news for you: it took some time, but in the end she got her acc. back:
If the steps above are not working for you, try it via commenting on the FB-page of IG as the user “Desislava …”

:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign:


Are you confessing that you are visiting “adult niche websites” :wink: ? #Sorry #JustKidding


Yes I do very often


Hi! My account got disabled too, I’m also a ig model my account had 700k+ followers and I get deactivated for the same reason. I know like 20 girls who got deactivated too in the past 3 weeks, maybe they’re more strict now :thinking:


If you are doing shoutouts, they might be getting strict on that as well. Copyrighted music is a big no no.

If you are just in a bikini, then it’s probably not that. If THIS account is OK, then you should be OK.