Anyone succeeded in changing TikTok account location?

Allright everyone.

my account is officially a mess. I posted a video last night, currently at 1.2 million views. It was getting amazing engagement and reactions until at 10k views it started going 90% to Philippines, China and other English countries.

Literally everyone of my videos just goes to a random country.

I have no clue what to do. Had this video been shown to Canada/US I would have had way more engagement, likes, shares, follows and what not.

my only options left are to use a VPN or get someone to post for me in Canada.

I messaged TikTok like 50 times and no responses either…

Below is data on some of my videos. Views are not updated some have passed a million but demographic data is.

The first two had a VPN on and you can see the audience was mostly Canada/US.

The other videos are with canadian sim and no vpn. Either using data or wifi. One somehow managed to get to the states but the others didn’t.

You can see the country distribution is totally random for each video. There is no logic.

My last one is at 2.4 million views. Up to 20k it was being shown in North america, I was getting 1 like every 4 views, suddenly it’s being shown in korea and the philippines (I don’t have the data but I am certain because I saw the followers coming in).

That video went from 1 like every 4 views to 1 like every 16-17. Why? Well because after it left the north american FYP it was shown in places where many people don’t speak english and/or don’t get my videos.

Now I am trying to get a hold of tiktok but it’s impossible. I tried all channels, I even cold emailed people that work there. No answers in 1 month.

I actually reached out to all my network and offered a bounty of 5k usd to anyone that can connect me with someone at tiktok and sort this out. Valid for anyone here too if you know someone at tiktok :slight_smile:

What I am experiencing is isolated.

Usually people can’t get their content in the country they want, my content goes to random countries no matter what I do.

My only 2 options are:

  1. have someone post for me in Canada
  2. go back to the VPN

I am really upset because I spent hours doing trickshots, hours making inspirational videos and the virality is there just they are being shown to the wrong audience.

Yah I got almost 90k followers in no time but they come from all over and had my videos gone to the right place I would be at at least 250K so this really really sucks…

Hello, from last night, my tiktoks are not getting any views, is this a shadow ban of some kind or something else? Anyone knows?

So I am getting someone to post for me in Canada. A close friend since tiktok is not answering.

Do you think it’s safe for me to log in while in Italy? I mean right after my friend posts for me.

My concern is that tiktok would see 2 devices logged in 2 different countries. I know that’s fine on any other social media platform but is it fine on tiktok?

of course it’s not safe, that will definitely cause you more issues/verifications especially logging in from 2 different countries.

I logged out for the test and I am still logged out.

Truth is it didn’t change a thing. Even posting from Canada my videos went all over.

I have a video at 3.4 million views, had that video gone to the north american market I would have gained easy 150k followers because it was very inspirational.

My account is messed up, I an experiencing something that is isolated (each video goes to random countries and they change all the time).

It really sucks because My content is super viral. I mean it goes viral and they show it in the wrong places, Imagine if they actually showed it in the right ones.

I am debating closing the account, but I will wait a few more days and see if I can somehow reach out someone at tiktok.

I am just sick of making videos and have to play country roulette when I post them.

Have a great day everyone!

Apparently I’m a celebrity in Asia now. Never been there, my sim is from Canada.

Here’s how I summarize my tiktok experience when posting a video:

  1. I post
  2. Tiktok grabs a globe, they close their eyes and they land on a continent
  3. whatever continent they land on that’s where my content is shown

Would you keep posting if you were me? Make a new account?

If I make a new account and delete this one and all the videos can I repost my older videos or no?

I know that I can 10x my followers in 3 months if my content is shown in Canada/US but everything I tried has failed…

Lol give me that account if you don’t want it :rofl: What’s the username?

Yah I was more brainstorming with myself out loud😂

I’m going to keep it for now and hopefully tiktok can solve my issue and show my content in the right places because that’s the only thing stopping me from blowing up right now.

I figured out the algorithm. I’m a growth marketer by trade and I figured out how to make very viral videos after many tries. I literally studied videos, and analytics for weeks and I found the recipe.

But right now I don’t want to post viral videos until this is sorted :sob:

I now need them to be shown to people who actually understand them because the recent engagement sucks as they are going in the wrong continents😂

I found someone that can hopefully connect me with someone at tiktok to solve the issue.

In regards to what I learned to go viral.

I will host a totally free webinar on Instagram live since my followers have been so helpful in helping me solve my problem.

It will be totally free. Either next week or the one after.

Follow me and I’ll announce it in my stories and you can join :slight_smile:

Trickshotdav is my user on Insta too

Have you tried the sim card with VPN?

I haven’t tried it as I’m waiting for the sim card I ordered.
But after searching and searching I found a guy that says to put the sim card of the location you want, then using your Wifi go to you VPN and connect to the country you want as a location, which should be the same as your sim card.
Then open tiktok, login and when you post, you should have the audience for that location.

the other option he mentioned was a residential proxy… also I don’t know if maybe a dedicated IP VPN, could work?

I even had my manager post from Canada.

none worked. But I am in contact with Tiktok and they are hopefully fixing it soon :slight_smile:

The reality is that everyone here is just speaking of their own experience, there Is no rule of what will or won’t work.

I actually know someone in the USA having the same issue as me and they are from there, live there with an American SIM.

So yah, do whatever works for you, try all the suggested ideas keeping in mind that it’s like taking a medication. It will work for some and not for others.

I suggest to everyone that has issues to message them:

  • On the chat app
  • On their twitter help account
  • On the emails they have on their site

Be concise and explain your problem. It might take a while but they will respond if you keep at it long enough.

If you are in a different country trying to post content somewhere else and you’re not from there in my opinion you have a weak argument, sure you could lie, but that’s probably why TikTok has these measures in place because when people used to have the option to set a region many lied…

I am legitimately from Canada and my sim Is actually Canadian and I still use that number and pay roaming

If you are from another country and want to post in a country you’re not from don’t expect success. I want my content to show in North America because that’s my culture and they get what I do. My likes ratio literally became 200-300% worse since my account had these issues.

You can go global starting from your country too. For instance I see many influencers in Italy that do content in English once they grow a lot.

So I would focus on growing in your country/region first. In my case, the content is going in random places each time so that’s a bigger problem…

I am currently in Europe, and my audience is 99% from Thailand using a Thai SIM card. I’ve been doing this for over 9 months now. Never posted locally.

The same method works for any other country I have tried. I own a German card as well. Tried posting a video from it, and the audience is 100% German, yet I’ve never been to Germany.

I have posted over 400 videos, and none of them went to a random country. You’re doing something wrong, either using/used VPN, or there is an issue with your SIM card.

You don’t seem to understand how the algorithm works. Whenever you post a video, first they push it to your region (or wherever you SIM card is from, since they detect its location), so your first few thousand views will always be in Canada. Once the video goes viral, or gets more than let’s say 100k views, it slowly leaves the region. That’s definitely not “random” though. It’s the same for all creators.

You have a few videos with over 1 million views, there’s no way you can keep them 100% Canada, but the first few thousand views are. Depending on the engagement, they push your video to more countries.

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A couple of points:

  1. Only because it’s working for you it does not mean it’s going to work for everyone

  2. I am doing nothing wrong. I even had someone post from Canada for a few days. Not a fan of people assuming things with no proof.

  3. I spoke with TikTok and they confirmed that my account is based in Canada and there is nothing wrong with it.

  4. They mention that my content is likely being pushed globally because according to them it performs well in other countries too. Not sure what content you post, but maybe your content is more localized vs trick shots (what I do).

  5. I know how the algorithm works. My videos often get pushed to random countries way before virality. Once again thanks for the compliment :slight_smile:

I was not trying to attack you (like you have in this message). If that’s how you felt, well my bad.

I was simply stating that only because your method works for you, it does not mean it’s going to work for everyone. I did exactly as your method said and I went further… I even had someone post from Canada.

There are many variables in play here from my chat with Tiktok. To further highlight this, I know other people in my domain in the US. Most of them have content pushed in the US primarily but there is one guy who lives in the US (around 50k followers with US sim and phone) has all of his content pushed to random countries too. In his case, there is no reason for this to happen if your trick was universally true.

So I just wanted to tell people, try this method but there is no certainty it will work.

You just make it seem like it will work for everyone and if it doesn’t they are doing something wrong. I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.

If you don’t believe me I will send you the email conversations I’ve been having with Tiktok and this creator from the US.


I got my US Sim Card a week ago and after 1 week of posting my videos exclusively get pushed to the United Kingdom and Australia only. I dont mind it too much as they are English speaking countries but Id much rather my content go to the US (like it should) but it isn’t

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None of my cards are activated. I bought mine from Thailand, while visiting a few years ago. It was a prepaid card, which has already expired.

I recently bought a US card on Ebay. Also not activated, and works fine. It’s important to wait a few minutes after switching the SIM card, as it takes time to switch from your region to theirs (normally 2 to 3 minutes). Once you post your video, you can switch back to your local SIM card.


did you guys try emulators?

anyone know where to buy a german sim card ?