Wow, this is the only forum thread I found on the entire World Wide Web that deals with this topic really in detail. I searched hours!
And I am wondering. Many more people must have this problem if, for example, you do not live in a mother country and do not make your TikTok videos in the language of the country where you live.
I have a topic that nobody really cares about here in Germany and I also want to make videos in English. It’s really hard to get views here in English and on that topic. It will never be so successful that so many views are received, that TikTok will spread it to the USA.
Humor is also different in different countries. This is another reason why TikTok should provide the opportunity to post primarily for other countries.
And when you not succeed in the local country, TikTok is not spreading it out to other countries.
Thank’s for the all the advices here! Even if the advices are sometimes mixed up and things changed in between, I have read everything.
As I understand it, it’s still working fine and a valid way is, when getting a SIM card from the target country. I hope this is still true.
Is someone here from Germany and can tell me, whether the typical US SIM that you can easily find here on DE Ebay are not fake and work fine?
If someone has advice for a source for a US SIM in Germany, please let us know.
As a VPN, I wanted to use one of the large, well-known VPN providers. The fact that videos are blocked and get 0 views, seems to have happened here very rarely.
Hey @Nik, could you suggest to me, the best sim card from the US, that will give me US views on TikTok. I am from Europe and I want that my videos are shown to the US audience
So if for example I have a lot of audience in my local SIM card and from where I live , when I change SIM card to US post a video , and then go back to my local SIM card country and post a video with that , will I lose the audience I had from my own country if I go back to
posting for them with my local SIM card ?
Hey! I bought an AT&T sim card on ebay for 10 dollars ad it works fine. My videos get sent to the US the UK and Australia which are all English speaking countries
As I said in my long post before, I am from Germany. Bought an US Sim, TikTok register and login on a phone with this Sim worked. Posted a video, 0 views. Posted an hour before.
My normal account gets also at least 10 views directly. At the moment I am wondering if this really work with US Sim here. I wanted to use a US VPN, but my phone killed the VPN background process without my notice. Perhaps tiktok does not like ip changes from long ranges. But because VPN are often used today, I do not think this should be a problem.
Any clue what can cause 0 view problems with a US Sim used from another country? As I read last posts, this should work fine.
So that everyone here does not get their hopes up. Well, it didn’t work for me. Even with SimCard from US + VPN, 0 views after the first videos.
I also posted above more details, till my last post nobody else posted that the method still work. So, for me, I can not tell you about any success. And I have a normal US sim card and even the TikTok SMS to verify my US number (with a us number) worked fine. Perhaps they simply checking IP location and see if you are in another country and / or simply block IPs from VPN Services.
So, if anyone still has success here, please let us know exactly what ou did!
I love this thread. I can’t believe MP social has something that Reddit didn’t. But anyway, I’m team SIM card switch here. I started with a local account currently at 38k followers, and I noticed my video going viral in the Philippines. I want to keep it this way since it’s my native dialect, and I live in local Dubai. I’ll do the switch, but I just hope I don’t lose FYP traction considering the algorithm is going to spot me in the Philippines now
Do you have to activate the simcard? and put balance on it? Did you have TikTok send a verification code to this usa simcard? the only usa simcard i can buy expire in 30 days. So i was planning not to activate it. What are your thoughts?
Why VPN though? They automatically detect it. You simply need a foreign SIM card + WiFi to use it. Also, changing the location does not guarantee you views.
Insert the SIM card, refresh the app, and see if your account has switched to the desired country (takes less than 2 minutes). You’re good to go. Once you post your video, you can switch back to your regional SIM. I’ve been growing my account using this method for a year now. Never had issues. Just don’t mess with VPN. You don’t need it.
I read in this chat TikTok looks at at the country where you created the account. That’s why I was thinking about using vpn at least to “be in the country” (USA) when i create the account. I want my content to be pushed out in the usa, while i reside in the netherlands. However everyone seems to have a different opinion. I do get it when you insert the simcard of desired country your feed will be from that desired country. But for it is also importsnt that my videos will be watched from people from the desired country.
I made my TikTok account in Europe, and my SIM card is from Asia. It’s been working for over a year now. Never had issues. I just never used VPN.
I use the method to post videos, which are automatically pushed to my desired country, and then I switch back to my regional SIM card. So far, I haven’t had viewers from my own country.
I don’t know how technically they detect VPN, but they do. Just use the sim card from desired country and it should help
Thanks for your advice. I switched off VPN 2 days ago, restarted my phone uninstalled VPN software. I waited 2 days. Uploaded 3 videos 3 hours ago, one has 3 views, two have 0 views. On this low level of views, I don’t think it’s the content related, TikTok is simply not sharing it. Not even the about 200 users to test content quality
But perhaps in my case it’s another problem. I don’t know.