Something to do with your account. Is it the same when you post using your regular SIM card?
Hey Seb, I‘m also in Germany. In the beginning I was using a US activated SIM and a US VPN, but one day I turned my cellular data off and left the only VPN on and all of the sudden I was getting 0 views.
I tried posting new content with an inactive US SIM, a new account (used three days before posting), and on a new phone with only regular WiFi. Still 0 views.
Did you have and luck since March? What was your solution? Would really appreciate your help!
Hey Nik I tried your method (inactive US SIM on regular Wifi) on a new account and phone. Even went as far as creating a new apple ID with the US SIM. Still 0 views and all new content.
I used the account before posting so don‘t know what the problem is. Could you tell us which US carrier you‘re using for your SIM? Do you have any extra recommendatios?
I don’t use a US SIM card. You might wanna look at my previous posts. I only use this method with Asian SIM cards, more specifically Thai and Vietnamese recently. I get mine while travelling. Can’t really recommend anything more than what I’ve already mentioned.
Alright. I am ready to buy a US SIM card but to keep it active i will need to be paying 75 dollars per month. You Said the card can be inactive. But how am i Gonna verify the account if it’s inactive, or how i will be able to log in every time?
I am about to buy a US SIM CARD. But to keep it active i need to pay 75 Dollars per month. You said no needed to be active. But how i will verify the account or login if i won’t be able to recieve the SMS TikTok sends me. Since the card won’t be active. Thanks
Hello . Saw that the card doesn’t need to be active. So you don’t have to pay monthly plans. But if the sim card isn’t active how will i be able to verify the account or login everytine? Since i won’t be able to recieve the SMS. Should i create an account with my country’s SIM card and then Just change the SIM with the US SIM or the best would be to start with a US sim From the start
I believe it takes your location once from the SIM card and keeps it as such unless it recognizes another SIM card. I have not tried it with a SIM card that is not functional anymore, but I believe @Nik mentioned that it works even if he stopped paying for it - and I believe him.
Now, about the texts. I would not let the card stop working because of that reason. You don’t need to get a text every time if you login with your username but eventually your phone will forget, there will be a security issue or something and you will need the text. So I would keep a line running. Just get the lowest possible plan and keep it going. There are many “pay-as-you-go” plans, just do one of those.
I think what you are thinking may work too, but I am worried that once you create the account with your country SIM, it will associate your account with that country. But as far as I understand, it is more about what SIM card is installed at the time of uploads and less about how you created the account.
So to be safe with my business. I get a t mobile and pay 60 euros per month and keep it active. I think it’s the best. Because if i create a Greece account and then change SIM it may be a mess etc. And if i need to recieve text or get a new phone i may lose the business. Thanks
My account is registered under my regional SIM card, while I’m using a foreign one. It’s been this way since April 2020, and I haven’t had issues with it so far. If there was an issue, I’d be suspended by now.
But yeah, getting a plan with the foreign card and keeping it active would be a safer option.
Also i thought about something smart. Starting an account with regional card. Then insert the inactive. And whenever i need to verify the account or login, i will just use my regional for the SMS etc. I am just a bit worried that if i don’t create the account From the start with the foreign card it may get shadowbanned or something. Because as you see some guys said they get 0 views on every post.
Also i thought about something smart. Starting an account with regional card. Then insert the inactive. And whenever i need to verify the account or login, i will just use my regional for the SMS etc. I am just a bit worried that if i don’t create the account From the start with the foreign card it may get shadowbanned or something. Because as you see some guys said they get 0 views on every post.
Hi, so I got a US lyca SIM. My feed seems to be US but my video was pushed out to random states Australia, Uzbekizstan and US only on 4th place or so. I am using US SIM+Wifi. Anybody experienced something similar?
Oh. I am researching about Tik tok. I think you need to get some guide basic.
Can u please specify the SIM card you got and if it was unactivated or pre paid? I wanna get the same exact one if u have a link that would help too
Hi nik
I’m trying to expand my tik tok exposure to us market as well. I’m planning to buy a US sim card but having issue on activating it as I’m not physically in USA. Does the sim card need to be activated it in US only tik tok will recognise your region in US?
Thanks for your help. Appreciate if others have answer on this question too.
yes i think so i’m not 100% sure but yeah most likely, becasue if not then the country won’t matter and everyone can get usa sim card, but let see what Nik will say about this.
Hey! I can help you with this!
It does not even need to be activated AT ALL.
The Sim Origin is saved locally on the SIM Card and that is what Tiktok is looking at.
You can even buy Sims from 10 different countries, change them every Video and every Video will get exposure of the foryou page of the country the sim is from. I have tested this on one phone that I only use for posting. It does work on new and old accounts.
So if you log into an older account and post with that phone it will get you exposure from the Sim Cards origin country.
Hi derdam
Thanks a lot ! Been waiting confirmation from others. So just plug in a new sim card without activation is good enough to detect your origin base on the sim card type?
Thanks for your advise derdam
I use a VPN as well tbh. But with the sim card without activiation is works!