Anyone succeeded in changing TikTok account location?

what VPN are you guys using?

another question
can you tell me please how many views do you get from the country where you live and from your VPN country?

Hi guys, I tried the “No SIM card + VPN” and this is what happened:
I unistalled the app and the I re-installed with the VPN on and with the SIM card removed, then I have created another account (I had one account with 8 videos, 2.5k followers and about 25k views) by all the people from my country (Italy), but with the new account I posted 2 videos and in all the day I get 0 VIEWS! Can someone explain why? By the way, I did another test, I published 2 videos on my previous account (the one with 2.5k italian followers that I have mentioned before) and the result was that I get like 600 and 200 views and of this viewers I get for the first time some american viewers, so I get on USA “For you” page. I’ve gained like 200 likes and in this 200 likes the percentage of american people is like let’s say 40% and the rest I think are italian people who already used to follow me I think, or maybe I get in the USA and Italy “For you” page both, I don’t know honestly, but I don’t think so, obviously is sure at 100% that I get on the american one. Now the thing is: what I should do? Should I continue like this, continuing on the “italian started account” or should I create a new account? Then why the new account that I created made 0 views in an entire day? Should I buy an USA SIM card? I don’t know guys, for this I am asking you, thank you for everyone who’ll respond this. God bless you.

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I am personally using right now NordVPN.

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Hello, That sounds logical and may work. But what about switching your account to Pro? I think TikTok asks to input some digits sent by sms?

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I only use my Thai SIM card while uploading videos and surfing. Once I clear my cache and close the app, I switch to my regular local card. I’m still not sure whether or not this is violating their guidelines, but it’s working for me. I stopped using VPN in general, since a friend got banned for using one. If you’re using one, make sure it’s high quality.


Thanks! are you using your Thai card roaming or
your’re connected to your home wifi?

I have the same situation.
I’ve created a new account and it got 0 views in 2 days.

But in the “old” account I started getting views from US.

Can you tell me please what is the exact percentage of views from US?
You can see it if you switch to PRO account(it’s free). Then click on your video and choose Analytics. There you can find the exact number of views from us.

So, in my “italian started account” the percentage was 50% americans and 50% italians, in my new account I get like 800 views 100% americans, but only after 8-9 hours that I was kinda shadowbanned, after this I get shadowbanned for sure because my second video didn’t get views, and my “For you” percentage analytic was completely removed from my analytics, so I was shadowbanned on the new account, then I created another new account, this time the first video did get 0 views and it didn’t count even my view so I was shadowbanned again. Where I have made the mistake? The SIM card is removed, I am using an USA VPN with the app NordVPN (probably the best app for VPNs) and I get shadowbanned everytime, where is the mistake? When I created the new accounts I was using the VPN so maybe they spotted it in the creation of a new account process? Should I create a new account without using the VPN and then using it only when I upload? I don’t know please someone answers this. Thank you.

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If you delete catche on Tiktok and use hastags like ‘’#TikTokUK or TikTokUSA’’ would that perhaps get you some viewers from the USA, I live in Spain but want to create content in english so it would be pointless for my videos to show to people that talk spanish…

The only way to go around this is to use an USA SIM card. It automatically changes your region. No matter what hashtags you use, TikTok will keep showing your videos in Spain.

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you’re right. For a week I’m posting videos with no sim card + usa VPN and my videos are shown only in my country.

so, i need to:

  1. remove my sim card, insert the USA sim card
  2. be connected to wifi in my apartment
    and that’s it?
    Or should I use VPN as well?

The VPN didn’t work for me. Some people say it does, so you should try what works best for you.
A foreign SIM card automatically switches my region to the desired one. Here are my Analytics after using a Thai SIM card + Wifi for 1 day.


oh wow! 100% Thai audience.
You got it! Thank you very much for the screenshot and for your answer!


I am using a Samsung phone and just using a sim card is enough, does this work even with apple phones as I am planning on buying a new phone

I have tried using vpn + no sim card and every time I got shadowbanned. I’m probably going to buy usa sim card. What kind of a usa sim card is good? When I’m using usa sim do i need a vpn too? Does tiktok see my IP adress when I’m using wifi + usa sim card?

Hey guys - hope all is well! I know how frustrating it can be making content in your native language and being somewhat constrained due to the fact that the countries within your vicinity speak another language. I speak two languages and was able to obtain a decent following, but still felt the need to diversify. On my other device, I used a trustworthy VPN with no SIM card and cleared the cache on TikTok. One of my videos ended up getting some views (Bare in mind this was a brand new account with 0 followers) - I tried uploading another video and it obtained 0 views. From my understanding, it seems to be a hit or miss really. I’m not too sure. I will continue to upload videos on the account with a different selection of hashtags etc (because even on my other account, certain phrasing in the caption sometimes simply disabled the possibility of obtaining any views) - but in the grand scheme of things I think everyone’s best bet is to just use a SIM card from another country. They’re reasonably cheap on eBay.

Do you have to use an activate sim card or you can use a deactivated one???

I think it doesn’t matter whether or not it’s activated. I did another experiment today. I used a SIM card I had when I went on vacation in Dubai. I cleared cache on TikTok, inserted it and boom, my FYP was all UAE content. Even got some views from the UAE… but the whole no sim + VPN thing is strange… it works sometimes and at other times it doesn’t.

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Hello, I ordered US sim card from ebay. Now waiting to arrive. Are you connecting using sim card data or wifi? Are you using VPN or not?

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