Anyone working full time, have kids and setting this up from scratch?

I rarely eat an edible. Those numbers were from not having touched THC or it’s derivatives for years. I just have a high tolerance.

I have your results on Ambien, only time release xanax works, regualr xanax? As soon as it wears off I wake up. So anything that works that good has to be bad for you.

The only thing that works is working out ridiculously hard to the point of complete exhaustion, but thats a different thing completely. Oh to be young again.

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I love how this turned into a thread about weed !
Being from The Netherlands weed is nothing special. I’ve smoked a bit back in the days but meh…

Anyways to get back on topic, I am a father of two boys and work full time.
When the kids get to bed I jump behind my computer and do IM. It is hard to find a balance between work, IM and my family.
That’s why I am so happy with Massplanner… it automates so many things that would take forever to do manually.


Yes I do!
I have a 10-7 job.
Our business started June of 2016. That time, I relied on something else and did not used MassPlanner as I am using a Mac. I wasn’t ready to invest in Paralles (big mistake). During August-December, I have been really busy with contents since that’s when we started our magazine. It was hard because I have had no experience in that field but that is what I love to do, contents.

End of December was when the previous platform I used showed inconsistency. So I started to find alternatives to keep our traffic going. I had to study scrapebox and in January, MP. Having a job, creating 150 pages on average of magazine contents every month, learning new things that require technical comprehension, blogging, fixing errors…campaign creations… that left me with 3 hours sleep a day. So I had to give up:

  1. My friends.
  2. Clubbing
  3. Travelling
  4. Being consistently great at my job. (I handle 15 stores a week)
  5. Gym

And that left me with the business and my relationship. The problem was, the relationship was shaky and that affected a lot with my efficiency in the business itself. That lasted for 4 months. And came family problem. It was terrible. So I had to choose between being affected or do what I love to do. I chose doing what I love to do, and expanded the business slowly.

With Massplanner’s help, I am/will able to:

  1. Come back to gym.
  2. Travel
  3. Connect with friends again.
  4. Be great at my work again.
  5. Fix my relationship.
  6. Most importantly, sleep more.

I believe, if we want to have a business and be great at it, there will be a lot of things to be sacrificed in the beginning. Specially, when time comes that you will have more people noticing and getting in your business. Yeah, sometimes, I do cry too… but my remedy is always talk to myself and get back to why I am doing this. Running, skipping rope and sauna help me to think more and better. It always works.

MP and the forum helps me a lot… a lot… and I know, bans and pv will always be there, or change of algorithm, but you know what, it’s part of the challenge.

Hope you are still in the game and doing well. @SkyggeLys


Same here… from the netherlands, father, husband, full time job and failing miserably trying to combine all those things.

Just started using mp to get some free time to spend with the fam and still have my IG on point.

But I’m starting to learn that there is a lot more possible with mp and there is even a chance that I can make a few buks. I’m gonna keep on learning and maybe soon I’ll take my first steps to become a smm or something haha

And you still have a lot of time to use MPsocial :champagne:

Is MP your first venture in Internet marketing?

I can relate to this. Although no kids here but I have a 10 to 6 job, 1+1 hours with tram + walking every day, I have to sleep and eat, so almost no time to work on my business. So it’s hard but I am pushing myself forward… it will be better soon. :slight_smile:

I saved up money then took a risk and quit my full time job. Best decision ever. I wasn’t even making steady income from my online business at the time. IMO Brain works better when its in uncomfortable situation. I wish i quit my 9-5 earlier.


How much you earn now with this ? @SwagWaffle

I will quit my job when i earn at least 1.500€+ per month.
If i earn this for at least 3+ months i will quit my job.

I work from 8am/9pm after this i work in an garage a few hours. I love to work with cars also.
After this i have sometimes few hours to check my accs/edit/ continue with my ecommerce.

Not much sleep😤


I average 3k month. I don’t do much :slight_smile: everything automated.


With ig ? 13 charac

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My very first phase was using Twitter I would make 1k month (manually) then i stopped with twitter. Its too time consuming. Maybe illl look into it again but for now im ok.

Then I started to use FB / IG thats when my market reach increased more. IG is the best without a doubt. I have been putting full focus on it lately. Staying away from the other platforms.

Youtube upvote bot would generate me lots of clicks as well. I had days where i got 1k clicks in one day. I was beginning to think these are probably non-targeted but they ended up being some pretty valuable customers looking at my data.

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(13 char filler)

Love what you do. I have a full time job, wife, daughter, etc. But, since I love cracking how facebook works, when I spend time on my forming business it actually feels like I´m disconecting and taking a break frome all the other stuff.

Just my wife and I working to grow our business into 6-figures. Best lesson I learned? Stop watching TV and start valuing your time - so more action, less noise - back to work ! :blush:


Well said! Never understood people who constantly watch tv. Sadly there are a lot of relatives who do this.

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You bet, in times of Netflix & Co. it’s easy to slow down the pace and get sidetracked by so many things lurking along the way.

Oh come on. It is fine to be sidetracked. We humans are not designed to work non-stop for hours. We have to take break or else our productivity suffers

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We have. BUT a lot of people are watching tv in all of their free time.

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It is their free time. Let them do whatever they want. It is called free time for a reason

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