Automate Likes without blocks - Settings

so how you do 700 likes?

Please read the first post. You will understand my intervals

i read it again
so if im understand correctly to get to 700 you use method 1 ?

Both methods can automate upto 700+ a day

yes im trying to increase it today to 700
by using method 2
but from what i read from you
you said you do 40 likes per operation for the day time so its 12 hours
so its 40×12=480

i asked you that because i whont to know if you do 700 likes per day for a full month
if you don’t get block?

Please show us a screenshot of your stats… as I know most aren’t able to like 500, let alone 800 a day!

Keep it up.

What is your current daily limit? Is it still doing 700-800 a day now?
I once pushed my account with different settings using home IP, then it got hard block

Todays stats. One soft block overall today which was rectified after resetting device Ids (The first account here). No other problems. Still time to go, all the accounts are expected to touch 700+ likes


All the accounts were only for testing likes limits. However, i automated the follow tool as well today, just to show that its possible to hit the limits. None of the accounts are new accounts. Infact, one of them has 85k plus followers and has been automated for over 2 years


Really good numbers there :smiley: I wouldn’t be that brave to keep those settings for a long time but if your accounts are rock solid maybe you’ll manage to keep hitting those numbers.

Please keep us posted about how it goes :v: :v:

I would be happy even with 400-500 likes automated… with good content it could be more than enought.


beautiful picture my friend :clap:
its give the courage to increase my numbers up
for now im running with no scrape account
doing 550 likes
your picture you show for the 700-800 likes
did you use scrapper account for it ?
or do think it be possible without it ?

That’s awesome bro, your numbers look good. Point definitely proven. Keep it up.

i tried it too, a few weeks ago. Accounts older than 6 months. Managed to get up to 300 a day, once i hit 2900 total likes in consecutive days i got a soft block. So you’re doing 700-800 likes a day + 200 Follows a day?? that’s 1000 actions daily? and on one of the acounts you also did 150 unfollows. That’s… insane to say the least. Please keep us posted, very interesting.

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Honestly, I would pay $100 for JV if I could like 700 posts a day per account. I really would

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Your dilemma is legit though, if it’s sustainable long term, i agree, JV is the solution. I tried it for a few days, FBR was not that bad, what is frustrating though are the private followers whom you cannot interact with, using this method. So you’re left with open and business accounts. Not ideal for every niche. I find allot of value in private users as they often can leave powelikes once you get them interacting with your content.

Yeah, you’re going to have to follow/unfollow private users. For my niche, I can get non-private users who are regular people/not
Business accounts

I was just saying in terms of scaling up, the solutions are either automating (which would be very appealing at 700 likes per day with JV) or paying manual likers.

I’m not convinced yet that 700/day is sustainable long term without a ban down the line

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It won’t be discussing it openly on a public forum.

Maybe 500 is reasonable for the long haul.

i did today 900 likes
i hope it not get block for the long run
you try do more ? because i think it be possible

Started testing this with even less aggressive settings than yours (I think).
First day went with 20 likes, worked smoothly without blocks.
Second day got action blocked after the 21st likes (the plan was to do 46 likes).
I’m using a RAW 4G proxy and HQ accounts from @tux, can you take a look at my settings and see if something is wrong?