Automating likes and follow unfollow without blocks - Updated method 2020

Do you have a screenshot showing you hitting 800+ likes a day for a month? I remember I asked you for that back in June.

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does it depend on acounts trust score? or age,proxy,warmup

And i remember posting the screenshot back in June. The information is free of cost. If you dont want to believe, please move on. I am not posting information here to prove that I am a demi god, anyone can do this if they take some time to test. I post here just with the intention of helping others. I am not selling any services. So i DONOT want to post screenshots of my settings for every post to prove what i post.

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If you are asking about the limits, unless they are freshly created accounts, it wont depend on the age. If they are only a week old or less, i would advise to keep it to 200 a day and increase later.

Proxy - Either you will be able to do many or none at all depending on the quality. If you get a block after 2 days of it working fine, it is not because of the proxy. Proxies will create problems right from day1 if they are already flagged

Warm up - Many believe that warm up is a good thing. My use of accounts in completely different, where i send DMs - I send 50Dms a day right from Day 1. So i cannot answer this, i donot have enough information and samples to observe

For likes, i use residential proxies and they are truly residential. You can test with your home WIfi and it it works, may be Henry Coopers proxies will work fine for you. They are the best as far as i know

i dont use contextual since we are already randomizing the actions

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You did not show the like activity screen from the past two weeks for the impressive 800+ likes. Look up your last thread. No one is asking you to post your settings, I was asking about the like activity screen. It seems unbelievable to me that you could like 800+ for a month like you said, which is why I asked to see the likes hit for the last 2 weeks. But like you said, you are not obligated to prove something that is as easy as taking a screenshot

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Thanks for sharing information. I appreciate it.

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And i am telling you to your face, I DONOT want to post any proofs. Feel free to ignore all my posts. Posting a screenshot takes time to black out the usernames and my email ID for M and J etc. I dont have the time to do that, nor do i even want to put in any effort.

This is only for those who actually own Jarvee licences currently and are actively automating. They would know the possible limits. This is not for someone waiting to jump in only when things are easy peasy. To those people, these numbers will always seem unattainable.

Come back tomorrow and i will post the screenshot, only for this time

That’s all I needed to hear.

And this is a baseless accusation, all because you are uncomfortable that I asked you to provide evidence.

Thanks, I simply wanted you to provide evidence of hitting 800+ likes for 2 weeks, since you claimed you could hit it for a month. People always ask for evidence on this forum. I don’t know why you’re acting so shocked :man_shrugging:t2:

Also, this is an example of what I was asking for:

Which would require hardly any blacking out of names, which is what concerned you @Karthik_A

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You say stuff like this and then wonder why people ask for proof.

It’s not because they’re trying to take a shot at your character, but when you say something that is out of the ordinary, it’s usually nice to back it up with proof.

For example, I would love to see you automate 50 DMs on day one. That’s impressive in itself, and I would be lying if I said I believe you.


Yeah, it’s pretty easy to believe nothing of what’s being said without examples, considering so many others experienced in this have seen first hand how unlikely achieving so many actions has been for the past, oh I don’t know, 10-12 months or more now?

Not to say he’s lying, there are rare instances of crazy numbers out there, but it’s also pretty hard to believe that from the experience of so many others.

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Thank you. I knew I wasn’t off base here for questioning.

You will never believe me. Question yourself why! Just because you cant, doesnt mean no one else can! There are people who spend thousands of dollars to test, put in more than 18 hours a day to make things work.

I average 50+ a day, some days even touching 60 DMs. Refer screenshot

Removed screeshot after its validated

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how can newbie go to that level?
where to get knowledge and all things from?how you go to that level what is your advice in general.

I just want to see the 800+ likes for a month. You said you would show it today @Karthik_A

Also, you should take your gmail off your screenshot.

Finally, are these all “cold” DMs. (first initial contact), or do they include secondary, or “follow up” DMs? Because if they include a “follow up” DM when people respond to your message, its really only 25-30 DMs a day, which is what everyone is able to do. I think that’s where the confusion was. @Klique

@Karthik_A Take the screenshot down. Sending you a DM

I send 55+ cold DMs and another 55+ follow ups.

As you can see, i used to use Jarvee and not i use some other tool that no one knows about! Starts with an M, as i wanted multiple licenses of 500 accounts to accomodate the number of accounts that i handle. J unfortunately doesnt have an in app payment method for the said number of accounts.

So i cannot send you live screenshots of those likes that i did in the past. However i am attaching screenshots from my history which i sent to a client. They will show that the number of messages sent for that account till date were 15k plus and that day, 800+ likes were made

I know what you are using, that’s why I asked you to take the screenshots down. You know IG is watching, right? Also, the last two screenshots mean nothing to me, in terms of likes. So DM the evidence

@Karthik_A Please stop exposing

@Adnan @ian perhaps this whole topic should be moved to lvl 3? So we can really discuss everything