Automation software for the social media

This app has taken off within the last few weeks with millions of people joining. Would love to jump on the bus with any ideas on automation for this.

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Not much ratings on apple store though yet,just 29!

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If you have tried it and have some experience with it, tell us more :slight_smile: who is using it, how it can be useful for businesses?

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39,000 ratings in the App Store and 20,000,000+ subscribers with it growing by the millions within the last month alone

Ya I tried it! Unbiased social media platform very similar To Twitter. The people you are following show up with their posts every single time so it’s a genius platform to use as a business

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It’s a Twitter alternative with no censorship or malicious algorithms- it’s definitely going to continue to grow as time goes on.


Ya I agree. That’s why jumping on some automation right now could seriously take off

Even a simple automation where it “upvotes” someone’s comments could grow you by thousands in a day

Yes, and I would imagine that they wouldn’t have strict algorithms in place to detect automation yet (though I could be wrong). Could be worth testing out limits manually- see how many people can be followed in “x” amount of time etc.

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From reviews in google play this app is racists and domestic terrorists playground. Very dangerous…


This app is absolute gold, jv should be already working on it. Basically IG from 2015 with hordes of high-spending people. Can’t get any better than this.


Is this network pro Trump related.
Because i see many post that support Trump.

Also is it better to move this to Level 2?


Yes completely agree

I wouldn’t call it pro trump, but definitely free speech, lots of pro gun people on there who hate being censored on other social media sites

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Yes 100% agree

Naw I wouldn’t say that at all

registered and its all trump and right wing media… conspiracy theories and spreading of political genius by trumpers. useful if you have a right wing website or political inclinations for your business


The number of new sign ups crash their servers last week. It’s the Wild West, lots of opportunities


Interesting stuff :slight_smile: I was interested and tried to download it, but when I tried to create account I constantly keep getting message that code can’t be sent to my phone number so I couldn’t verify it and use it unfortunately :smiley: maybe some other time I’ll have more luck :smiley:

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So how does one become popular on this network? There is no hashtags :thinking:

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