Can we reset id to unfollow block

How fast do you add accounts to the proxies? I got two new raw mobile proxies. I added one account every 12 hours and followed about 30 ppl. per day. I added some completely new accounts. They have all got PV now and the older accounts that have been working fine before got follow/like/ comment blocked. The accounts that still are running on dataproxies got follow blocked at the same time. So none of my accounts are working at the moment and this all happened yesterday. Any advice on how to save the accounts? Should I just wait or readd the accounts to the proxy? Thanks

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How many per proxies are running at the same time?

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I remember few months ago we were able to clearly see in Dashboard if accounts are following using api or EB. By default, account would attempt to follow via api, if they fail, they would use EB. This was causing accounts to fail reaching daily limits.
Now, everything seems different. How do I know if we are following using api or EB?

From my conclusions the API is default, after that depend on the setting you set for the accs:


What is strange is that using the option use EB to Follow/Like don’t work so I had to chose use only EB to Follow/Like to make it work for about 80% of the accs still some cannot even after device rest and use only EB option are blocked!!

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The reason you do not have any accounts that are API blocked is not because of mobile proxies it is because of this:

We have our own raw mobile proxy network.
And we have datacenter accounts to play with.
None of the accounts that were paused on Liking are API blocked.
We even just started 10 of them and all work with API.

Not sure if anyone of you noticed.
But after the update on June 4th like blocks were gone.

Our worst datacenter proxies that were blocked from liking for years could suddenly like again.
Out of nowhere. We did not have a single suspension in the Like Exchange tool for two weeks.
Never had that before.

I told my colleagues “it’s just a matter of time until they do something with the likes. They can’t leave them this way without blocking bad proxies and spamming behaviour”.
Guess this is the update to likes now :sweat_smile:
Let’s find the best sulution we can.


@socialgain So you’re saying we should only do follows? (not even unfollows). Cause everyone even Dev’s have been preaching to make it more human with other behaviour, or even trying to approach follow back with different kinds of actions.

Hi, sorry if I misunderstood you, but you do not use the “main” account to scrape users to do the actions? So do you use one “slave” account just to scrape to others?

For example, in the cliente account in Jarvee (if you uses Jarvee) you do not use the Follow Sources direct from the account (so you do not scrape nothing from the account directly) and use another “slave” account to scrape and send the results do the client account?

Again, I just trying to understand because I was thinking about doing that I described above but I thought it would be non-sense so I gave up.

No, we just believe the like tool is triggering this.
But we do not know how yet. We are investigating and testing.
For now we use EB to like and if that does not even work we reset device IDs.
But this is no long term solution.


@socialgain Thanks for input and investigations. Is EB considered safe? And if, as it often looks liken is an API issue. Why not always use it for follows and/or likes?

Yes this is something you can do.
We just never did, because it was not needed.

We will have to see if using other accounts to scrape is a solution.
With Jarvee it is easy to scrape and send to “specific users sources”.
For now I cannot tell if that helps or not


Using EB is the same as following and liking via Chrome Browser on your phone.
It is safe? It always has been, yes.
But is it human like to like and follow hundreds of user via visiting on the browser instead of the app? Not really.

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couple of actions is always better than no actions I guess? Might try it.


I’ve been noticing this too.
All of my worst accounts on worse datacenter proxies can do around 400 to 800 likes on Like Exchange without any block.

When the Action Block Wave from 4 jun, I started some new strategies with the like tool, and since then , 4G or DC Proxies, can do more than 500 likes per day after full warm phase, without any blocks.

The only block that came trough, was this "API"block wave last friday, but after a reset ID on affected accounts, I did not get any red pill or action block on Jarvee.

Lets see as you said, but thanks for this POV, finally find some similar to mine !


@NVY.Social sorry for all the questions but isnt Jarvee registering EB follows? I know you talk about pill but it’s in Jarvee the same as the red dot.

Hearing all this i’ll set all of them on EB that keep getting blocked. Do you first put it on EB when action blocked and then switch off and on? Never done automated EB.

Thanks guys! Havent been sleeping much trying to find clues as to why some are doing 200 without issue and some get blocked after 1 or 20.

When I wrote about the pill, is the red dot.
Usually, I simply go on the Social Profile, Show Advanced settings, and normally they are already with the Use EB for follow / liking ticked.
If not, I just pause the tool, check them and/or Reset Device ID (don’t do it often) then Start the tool again, and everything start smooth again.

If you still are blocked with the wave from 4 Jun, this is maybe not the solution, but if you are having those random blocks from last friday, try it !


AWESOME! I assume in my case it will first do API till blocked and then continue with EB?

Could be a life saver

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Idk if you know but each time you post here i receive an e-mail :slight_smile:

However i ´ll test @oneoneseven ´s theory by stop the liking tool for the 2 accounts i have trouble with
Note that one of them follow 12 /day instead of 160 due to that block

no i have my own bot and still having the same exact issue
its not Jarvee/mp/gmt2 api issue

its all automation API issues

i think now they limit requests per API+Device and they reduced the limits

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I emailed them and they said they have no issues on their end.