Can we reset id to unfollow block

It does look like @oneoneseven 's thoery about like causing follow blocks on api is true

i now have 100% working … thank you

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So you basically stopped all likes on the affected accounts?
Since when are you doing this and how long did it take to unblock you on API?
Are you doing follows with EB only now? Or do follows with API work as well?

How many days will instagram unblock our following? Guys. If you did get any of your account back to normal?

All accounts(147) working just fine here as shown on the printscreen on the official thread:

Are your accounts performing actions through API or EB? Which Settings are you using? :slight_smile:

Some through API and others through EB.

I’m using many different setting for many accounts, barely using the same on all of them.

Two accounts are in test doing +400 follow per days, others with 150 and others with 20-30 per day, depend of the account and it’s trust score to define the settings.

Are you doing only Follows?

No, I always use everything the tool can provide me(like comments, comments on posts, stories and so on so forth) to make it looks more humanized possible, no regular user use instagram only to follow and unfollow, that is a clear pattern of automation in my opinion.

Yes I am - I am still doing about 120 a day. Using Henry Cooper. No unfollows or anything else. All been fine ( so far).

I don’t know the answer to all this.
I didn’t have issues adding all the accounts and proxies at one time, but I do 1:1 and never more.
Also I only do following.
Are you sure they are under 6000/200? that has held for me.

This is very smart what you’re doing with the testing. Just to clarify you believe some accounts with a higher trust score can follow 400 a day ongoing? There is no 6000 monthly limit for them?

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Nobody actually knows yet.

That would make sense but we are on new ground here.

I believe that there is some limitation but I really can’t tell if it’s 6000/30 and I guess no one can be sure about it yet.

There is many theories and we know that one is the best

Yes I do indeed and I’m testing it out, today with one of the test accounts I did already 250 follows and I guess will finish the day on 400,450 so tomorrow up 10% and lets see where it will block.

Nothing better than test by yourself, both accounts I’m testing are running ads so I don’t think instagram dare to ban or block it easy(just my humble opinion).


Same to be strong got Follow Unblocked after 20 days when BOTH Follow & Unfollow dropped below 6000/30 :slight_smile:

I have other accounts waiting to drop bellow the 6000/30 limit to confirm!!
Anyway I was very septic but seem really a consistent theory!!

Now waiting the the tool update to get back 100% to work :wink:

As for follow through EB. Should we only do it when action blocked or can we for now till things settle down put it on only use EB for follow. It works for me with the EB. I used to reset Device ID’s and start from zero again with the follow and build up but blocks would return with some.

So what’s the best approach here?

I don’t think it’s a good idea - it’s too risk bro!

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what’s not a good idea?

I did it for all affected accounts with no issues, for some I had to do it twice!!
do you have other alternatives in case?

It would be good to see some leaders step in an just give some good advice. There are so many people saying this and other the opposite way… One person says it’s always safe, the other one says itls too risk bro. It’s confusing.

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Right now the only leader is Instagram, we have to be patient and let 30/60 days pass in order to assess the situation.

Everything that is said before will only be speculated.