Do Instagram Saves Matter?

Hope it helps

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it’s the stuff we can’t scrap. DM’s, shares and mentions. Think about this – one account shares your post and it it seen by 500 – 500 added to ‘others’ and if one of them go to your post and reshare – well you get the picture. the higher ‘other’ is the better the post will perform, no exceptions

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Quick question, because I know you have a lot of experience. Right now I’m growing a small 8K account by manual liking. In your opinion is it worth my time to automate that with jarvee? Or are likes pretty much automatically blocked on EB? @Alexnvo

Saves should matter, to a certain point i’d say.

How much tho, good question.

And yeah, you can like through EB, depends more on the accounts themselves/proxies/settings than the software

I cannot say if it is worth it. I stopped botting a year and a half. My accounts got big enough that they no longer needed them it. Some have success, many have problems. I honestly cannot say yes or no.

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without a good percentage of saves – your post will NEVER go viral or rank high on hashtags –


This information has been very useful for me. Are there engagement groups that exist for saves and do you think they would work? Or would the algo recognize that as some kind of false engagement? Thanks.

If we can trust Instagrams own words, I can say: Yes! They do matter 100% (for the explore page and maybe hashtags as @Alexnvo pointed out. The source of information I am referring to is only talking about explore page afaik).