Hi all,
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who contributed on this wonderful forum.
The knowledge found here is more than amazing. As a way of giving back, I wrote this guide about warming up your accounts for following. Please note that different people will have different ways of warming up their accounts. That being said, let’s get into it!
Why warm up?
Warming up your accounts can bring you long term benefits in terms of time and cost. Rather than just plugging your new account in Jarvee (or any other automation software) and letting it run on full settings, a good warm up can do wonders and save you dollars.
You don’t see Usain Bolt run the 100m directly, do you?
The process of warming up your accounts can also possibly avoid you some PVs, bans or follow blocks which are costly and time consuming.
What does a typical warm up looks like?
A typical warm up phase usually starts with slow actions which increase over time. Please note that the below settings are really conservative and the number of actions will depend on the quality of the proxies that you use and how your account was created (4G, bought from provider, Android, etc).
Now, in practical terms, how do you warm up the follows your accounts?
Here’s an example.
Day 1: Follow 3-5 people
Day 2: Follow 5-15 people
Day 3: Follow 20-35 people
Day 4: No follows
Day 5: Follow 35-50 people
Day 6: And so on…
You would want to want warm up your accounts because we want to look as human as possible. The more you take time to reach your follow action goals, the better it will be for the durability of your account.
After creating your account using the 4G method, you could let it rest for 3 – 6 days before doing any actions. Some people can plug in right away and start doing actions and automation but I found the sweet spot for me was to start doing actions 3-6 days after creation. The period is called a warm up period because you won’t get a lot of followers from those settings. Its purpose is to build your accounts slowly for long term use.
Instead of increasing the follows sequentially, you could lower it just some days to look more human.
For example,
Day 1: Follow 3-5 people
Day 2: Follow 5-15 people
Day 3: Follow 20-35 people
Day 4: Follow 5-10 people
Day 5: Follow 20-35 people
Day 6: And so on…
After Day 6, you would want to add 20-30 daily average follows till you hit your desired target.
At the end of the day, it’s about testing, testing AND testing and finding what works best for you.
How do you guys/girls warm up your accounts? Drop a comment below!
Let me know if you want a more complete guide (follow, unfollow, like and repost) concerning accounts warm up.