Hi all,
I’ve recently seen a lot of discussion about ghost followers and many asking how to find these and remove them.
A lot of you also seem to have lost engagement during and after this process because you probably haven’t noticed that the way you do it influences the outcome significantly. Hence, I decided to create a guide on how to do this:
The secret is to use Jarvee and block these followers while still keeping a positive net growth
Here are the steps in more details:
- First, we need to Extract the Ghost Followers.
If you want to check activity in the last 1-12 posts, please feel free to use the Block Follower Tool directly and select Do not Block Commenters/Likers in the last 12 posts.
Then jump to step 3.
If you want to check activity in the last 12+ posts then I would recommend the following:
On Jarvee, go to the Follow Tool and clear all filters in settings. Tick the send to extracted users.
For Follow Sources, you have 2 options:
a. Follow Users that Interacted with posts on target account
Here add the username of the account you want to remove ghost followers from
And Scrape only posts posted in the last 21600 minutes.
This will scrape posts in the last 15 days which is my recommendation. Tbh, you can insert whichever number you feel comfortable with.
b. Follow Users that interacted with posts on target posts
Here just insert the URL of all the posts you want to check.
Once the scraping is done using the follow tool, we will take this list of active followers and add it as whitelist in the Block Follower Tool
Take a look at your growth pattern in the last 7 days - Check how many followers you are getting daily.
Set the daily limit of the Block Follower Tool to less than the amount of followers you get daily - This is very important!
Doing this will ensure that you are still growing. Otherwise Instagram will think that your account is becoming less popular/dying because your net follower growth will be negative.
So yes, this means it will take longer to block all the ghost followers, but since your net growth will still be positive, IG won’t be triggered into putting your account into a downward engagement spiral.
That’s it
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions they would like to add?
Also, this post took me while to write out so, if you liked this post, please remember to give it a quick like