How do you organize your phones!

My thoughtful way organize mobile phones for client’s accounts.
What are yours for better organization?
P.S: no ads to dm for any service please!


holy crap where do you buy phones and how much have you spent

Oh god, that looks so satisfying most people just drop them where they can with cables everywhere

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Man, that’s wicked! Can you pls describe what do you use the setup for? Is it more than PV’s?

I’m not sure because I’m not buying all at once. They’re secondhand and average price around $150.

At first, I just plug it in everywhere and now need more organization as it grows.

These are for account creation, PV as well as mobile proxy.

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Why the heck you want a setup like this???


Mobile proxy especially.

then why not use modems in stead of more expensive phones?


I don’t know how to make modem to auto airplan mode, in mobile, the app could set macro auto airplane mode as per set interval and mobile IP changes. In addition, they’re all rooted and safely create more accounts with the help of some other cleaning apps.


These are some goals man

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Wow… that is just… impressive

This is an Epic Setup!
Those 81 Smartphones.

And even Place for more to come.
About 120 possible, it seems.
Great Setup!

You should bring out a course, how to setup and control them at once.
Maybe using Teamviewer is a good idea, or even better automation apps.


what the fuck…

That is a lot of cell phones my man.


They are charging all the time? No problem with phones/batteries and high power usage because of it?

How you make account safely with this setup?

Congrats - great army :slight_smile:

I’ve no idea about how to make any course for that. Anyways, that’s be a good idea though.

Yes, charging all the time, just use the power switch which is parallel out put with the phone, it’d be not a problem.
Just use it for account creation of some and some with client account management.

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I believe you should cover those small cameras… maybe they watch you all the time.
In Times with AI and google phones and facebook, it is actually what a phone does.
AI-SpyAge we live in :robot:


What Software do you use with them?
Tasker or something like this?

Unless you’re making 6+ figures, I feel like sort of setup is extremely excessive.

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Lot’s of people here making more than six figures :wink:


That is some serious dedication. Awe inspiring actually. The room must shake violently when you get spam phone calls.

How much do you pay for data a month?