Impossible Instagram Verification Loop

Hello sir ! You are a saviour. I was struggling for over a month. I tried your method and it actually worked. Thanks thanks thanks. God bless you !

I am having the same exact issue. I tried using Opera with built in VPN turned on in Opera. I reset my password and I get an email that looks like that but takes me to that same page you get with the red “This field is required” I then make a new password and it’s the loop all over again. Please help! What am I doing wrong?? Anyone?

What did you do to get yours to work?? I have been trying this method for three days and can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong :sob:

Yes ! I downloaded opera mini with built in vpn on my android device. After that just enable vpn from settings in the app. Now when you want to browse do it in a private tab. Then browse instagram and click the forgot password option. You will get a link to reset. After resetting you will get a mail that your password was changed. Then click the secure your account option in that mail. A form will open where you will verify and submit the details. You will be able to access. Now the thing is that it can take around 5 - 10 rounds of changing password. It really worked for me. Just make sure vpn is enabled and you are browsing in a private tab. Everything has to be done in private tab only. Access your mail from there only. Now i did it from my android device. It worked. I hope it works for you also. All the best !


I followed the instructions but either I get “Oops there is an error” or it just redirects me to change my password for the second time. Here’s what I did;

  1. Open VPN active private Chrome tab via computer.
  2. Go Instagram web page and send me a “Forgot Password” link.
  3. Change my passwkord via the VPN active private tab.
  4. Then copy/past the “Secure my account” link on my password change confirmation email to another private VPN tab.

Is there something that I do wrong?

Hi ! Did you try ? Any luck ?

I was trying through my laptop today but no luck. VPN turned on, using Explorer browser private tabs.

Am going to try your way now - through my Android and downloading Opera and browsing private.

Ohhkk yes it worked for me. I wish it works for you also. Keep updating ! All the best !

Impossible Instagram Verification Loop it work for meeeee… Yeeeees. Try this guy’s please try it



Thank you sooooooo much bro. I LOVE YOU

Guys, I’m glad I could help ), please Contact for questions. I know very little English, but I will try to help everyone


Hi sir ! Thanks for helping everyone :pray:

Hey ! Were you able to access your account ?

I have tried many times but always negative result, even when but gave the different screen, can someone help me?

How plz tell me

Hello, i have seen that you got it sorted out… and here im also experiencing this same issue! please help me… i have tried this more than 20times and still its coming like this same loop.
i want to clear one doubt with you… when you say repeat 7 to 10 times means, do you really want us to do request "forget password >> username/email/number >> reset password (7 to 10 times). OR once do the first procedure… then when we receive an email stating "New device login “secure password” >> do this 7 to 10 times ??? please reply ASAP

Yes you have to request forgot password. Keep changing passwords. When they send you the mail that you have changed your pasaword then click on secure your account link. It may take you to same error for a few times. But after repeatedly doing this same procedure it worked for me. Yes you have to keep chaging passwords.

Also make sure it’s opera with vpn enabled and private tab browsing. Everything has to be done on browser. Mail should also be accessed through private browser tab.

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i try this now and update you. thanks :slight_smile: