Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

why testing 100 accounts (mine for example) while I have 1000’s of ppl share there settings and results.

@scking because MOST of the people here are ‘testing’ with personal, business or client’s accounts. They wont go too slow like almost zero, they also wont go ape shit. They will do something more or less. I’m for example making childs and then testing with the same proxies, same settings but just one follow an hour more, or some with story viewing tool on, or some with less this, less that, more this,… enough so you can see patterns. But yeah sure you can just follow the rest. Problem is you dont even know half the past or settings or so. There are so many factors to take in account to be able to draw conclusions. But yeah everyone their approach.


IG is going after influencers so they can have all the business to themselves


@Cindy SMH it’s so weird to get that out of nowhere. I was Follow Blocked 6/4 and unblocked 6/12 after manually F/UF and now I haven’t done ANYTHING as I let my account rest for 6 weeks from the date of 6/4…it is absurd for Instagram to send me this out of nowhere with no activity on my account. Sorta creepy.

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I think ppl need to share more, say exact settings and the beehive, later we can collect information and test.

As a Instagram bot developer for the last 2 years, using some cool AI and image reco tools, also been testing many browsers fingerprinting (I can say for sure Jarvee has tones of browser leaks, I would have turn it off if you can !) I want to get to level 2, what is the fastest way ? I think I did spent 2 years botting and developing so I don’t need to prove myself any more.

I do have much knowledge I would like to share and make a better (bots) world.



User Levels Explained


Try 50 follows per day and increase daily by 15

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The 6K/30 block only affects following. There are other kinds of blocks people are experiencing but all my accounts only got the 6k/30 followblock so I’m not familiar with them. Most of the 6K/30 blocks have been lifted by now unless you were following like 25K/30 bofore 6/4 which doesn’t seem possible with manual F/UF so maybe it was something else. Were you doing batches of following manually very fast? Maybe you were hitting some hourly or daily limits too many times?

What worked 2 years ago does not work today. Whole new API for bots. Unless you can dis the instagram app, unpin to bypass certificate and capture http packets then work from there ya don’t coding


Yup, i’d do batch followings multiple times during the day and get follow blocked daily, when I reached the limit I guess, however would be unblocked in 24h and just repeat the next day. There were definitely days, however, where depending how busy I was, I would follow under 50 people if at all… again, due to the manual nature of the process… so yeah… I’m not quite sure what’s going on but i’m starting to worry because I know I definitely could not have followed north of 700-800ppl a day for a solid 30 days.

Yeah, hitting the limit too many times is not good, even done manually. A hot girl friend of mine asked me for suggestions to grow her account a few months ago so I told her she needed to reply to her comments (to increase engagement to get posts on top of hashtags, etc). It was working out really well for her because if a hot girl gives even slightest attention to some guys, they would not stop hitting on her. She can reply to comments on her posts with often gibberish (like literally a bunch random letters/words when she doesn’t have time to read the comments) and guys would still keep on trying to continue to have a conversation with her gibberish response. She went from less under 100 comment per post she didn’t respond to originally to to hundreds of comments per post, sometimes even 1000+. One day she got shadow banned from hashtags and it lasted a long time (for like 1-2 months). Eventually I figured out she was replying gibberish so fast in batches whenever when she had time that she was constantly getting comment blocks but she was just ignoring the block messages and trying again later.

The lesson here is I’m pretty sure the punishment IG gives is accumulative. You can’t ignore the blocks and keep on pushing the limits. The punishment will be more and more severe after you hit the same limit a few times.


I am still developing my application and it is chromedriver based. no private API, some of it I do use for mute option, so the private API only do the mute.

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API only I don’t have many accounts set up to do actions in the EB.

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Yes Jarvee. Proxies are datacenter and to be honest as much as people swear by 4g proxies I thought the entire reason to justify that huge extra expense is that they help you avoid all these issues. Personally not sold on them. Setitngs were pretty conservative. 200 follows per day, 200 story views, 15 comments, 25 DM, no likes

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It’s the easiest bot to detect and uses web API not private good luck cause u gonna need it and some decent courses on web vs API coding


Anything can be overcome. Depends how you view it. We play within the limits better that’s all.
Every one so damn spoiled with f/u – I was also so I’m just as guilty - that we forget there are other ways to grow. Hell this will piss off many but it’s the way it is.


I agree but the problem is big than limits, seem IG was preparing these measures for a long time and no one knows exactly what’s happening above all with those random api blocks.

Every one says that with hindsight of course. Is it the end? Of course not and you need a different model now to use

Read my threads … There I spell out a m/s system I use and does not use f/u. Be warned it will take money and more than current methods to work. Once setup its self growing

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Yes. I have faith in the best IG coders I seen . Daniel and his team