Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

thanks for sharing this data with us ,Finally Some Light! Great to know that it was only a temp Blocks and lifted now ,seen some people on private discord channel claiming that they are able to follow again but they didn’t share any Screenshots!


Good news, maybe some bans will begin to be lifted soon. We can only hope!


No more than 100 a day

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Interesting for me: Was follow-blocked last week at same time as everyone else. Still follow-blocked, but I can unfollow up to 15 people at a time. Any more than that, and the unfollows just stop working. No pop up message like the one I get for trying to follow (Action Blocked). What a mess.


I have i client who just told me that today he was able to follow again, where i can check un statistics if 6k/30 is real!?

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@Mati Quoting a post from @socialgain:


  1. Click Social Profiles
  2. Click “Select all”
  3. Click “View Statistics” Button
  4. Change Date to 04.05.19 until 04.06.19
  5. Check “Group data by account” Button
  6. Click on “Follow” in the column to order accounts by number of performed follows.

I am still banned. :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:


Are you okay????

Reading this article I saw this and I think is very important to mention:

Having characterized AAS from a user perspective and as business entities, we subsequently actively engage with the abusive services by deploying countermeasures. Our goal is not to completely disrupt the AASs immediately, but rather we start by evaluating how AASs react to interventions. This understanding can then provide insight for improving operational abuse detection and prevention systems. While Instagram is in a position to identify all AAS customer accounts, blocking these accounts is not a desirable outcome since Instagram users still use them to initiate legitimate actions that should not be blocked (even while they are also enrolled in an AAS). Additionally, as our interventions show in Section 6.3, AASs quickly attempt to evade interventions. As such, we derive a new signal for performing countermeasures (Section 6.2), rather than relying on the signals used to identify AAS customers in the first place. We perform two interventions, first on a narrow set of AAS activity over a six-week period, and a second on a broad set of AAS activity over _a subsequent two-week period.



Very interesting! I know there were some people started to get follow block from beginning of May and lasted for a month. Could that be the first intervention that’s been mentioned in the article which will only affect a small group of people and last for 6 weeks. And the big wave came which affected almost 90% of the account, should be the part two intervention which will last for two weeks.

What we are facing now it’s not a bug. They are testing the overall effects when they apply this in a big scale, to see how would this affect their platform. Let’s hope the result is not positive for them and they decide not to make it permanent. At the same time I think we need to prepare for the worse!


Good point…however I received the same notification like a year ago.

Fight back: “Report a problem” from all your Bot accounts.
Here’s a thought - to interrupt detection maybe it’s time to perform a “united” decoy, and use all client and active accounts to report a problem, in an orchestrated manner.
would love your thoughts - could this tilt the limitations threshold?

How are your friends?
Next, you have locks on accounts, do accounts run slowly?

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I’ve thought about one idea to increase account trust.

  • verify account (blue bird) In order to trust
  • Report an error
    -Change the password
  • Make one or more sponsored ads to increase account trust.
    After doing these activities and of course breaks on your next activities
  • Change the proxy to a mobile if someone has had Internet proxies so far
  • Reset ID
  • Set a daily limit of 150/200 etc.
    See if it works :slight_smile:

Another update based on my data (100+ accounts)
In the last 3 days, I’ve been seeing how accounts get the block lifted after the sum of follows in the last 30 days drop under 6000.
Exception: 1 out of 11 doesn’t follow this behavior (5608 follows and still blocked).


ps: don’t give a f*** if the theory is called 6000/30 or Winnie Pooh as long as we can continue working.


Already tried.


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I reduced settings on all fully warmed up accs. The ones under 6k can follow, the ones above cannot so far.

My biggest problem now that fairly new accounts arent follow blocked but get disabled left and right with very low settings of under 100 follows a day. I splitted follow from unfollow now, will see if that helps. Is anybody warming up accounts right now? How is that going for all of you?


Disabled you mean the account get banned?
I have 3 new clients sign up in the past 2 days but so far so good.
Today I am putting 2 more new clients accounts.

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I am finding the same, older accounts are follow blocked and newer smaller accounts are able to follow freely.

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Ok. But do they get disabled faster?