Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

@discobot quote please

:left_speech_bubble: A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. — Edmond Rostand

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Hello :slight_smile:
Today in the morning a lot of accounts got blocked.
Of course, after resetting the ID.
checking that everything is working correctly through the browser.
Interesting, in my opinion, this is not an IG problem but a jarvee.
I have reset the ID and made it check by the browser and everything works correctly.
Previously, everything worked correctly as it did through the API, and now works only through the browser.
Interesting :slight_smile:
Do proxies have some insight here?
In my opinion, no, I have half of accounts for 4G and the other half for normal IPV4 / IPV6 proxy
Lockouts sprang out of them and on them.


Simply because most mobile proxies providers are putting a huge number of modems in the same location, which held to a highly unusual number of actions from booted accounts coming for the same subnets that might trigger IG algorithms!!

But if you can figure out your own 4g proxies or find a good trustworthy provider, it’s a very good option!

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Found out that there are more blocked which only used EB and no API, so how can it even be close to an API block?

I think this can be the problem, it is clearly not just an API block

Some account were just turned off for the last few days (had not yet got any block) and still had this block after 4 follows, so clearly no the amount of API calls or overused of the function. I just can’t place it.

7 of my client accounts just got blocked few hours ago all with following around 80-130 follows and around 20 likes per day, 4 g proxies from Henry Cooper, follow tool running around 8 hrs during the day and unfollow at 8 hrs through the night. Settings were super randomized with huge randomized intervals and random sleep time to make it look more human.

None of these accounts were automated before all of these are at least 2-3 year old accounts with no automation running before, they were warmed up extremely slow and they have never been blocked either until today.

Anyone else apart from the people above experiencing another follow block wave today?


And you stop Bragging that your accounts are working super nice and you are the smartest guy on the neighborhood and all other others ones are idiots and lazy, good for you.

If you want to share something, share it, but right now you are adding nothing. Do you sell something maybe? Do you want a % from people clients? Bye.


As I understood f/u is dead, not talking about limit decrease but about AB that pops on the software but when you use instagram everything is fine, is f/u dead?

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Mine accounts are now getting in a block, getting out doing one or 2 follows and getting in again. It is very strange…

Why is this happening I can’t understand

Hi can u pls stay real and stop the shittalk in this thread.
I got 2 acc follow and like blocked today. Stop talk about proxys the proxys are not the problem.
I have 2 accs running fine and another on the same proxy have the blocks.
So u cant blame it on porxys. All accs have the same settings.
The other blocked acc is on another proxy allone and also got a block.
I tested reset the ids on one of the blocked acc and i done some follows and likes then got blocked again.
The other blocked acc is jumping in and out of the block.
He was blocked and unblocked 3 times today whitout changing anything.
Is here someone that not got any acc block today and can share the settings?


yes 4real, maybe someone has his accs working properly?

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and why the f it AB the accounts, like its really bizarre. Maybe someone has some update?

Same problem here

Thank you very much, will check it out right now :smiley:

Yeah huge follow block across all my accounts

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17 accounts blocked on 25 this morning.
I am starting to have no more ideas on what to do.
Some of these stopped after 2/3 follows, some of these around 20 and others around 80, all of these are old accounts, with very real actions and 4G proxy.
From the smartphone are not blocked.


EDIT: I tryed to reset the device ID on 2 accounts and started to work again, but I am not so sure that this is a good idea, resetting the device ID has never been a good thing… what do you think?


Thanks man, I´m making my own residential proxies using raspberry pi zero w and openvpn and putting them on a couple of friends and relatives houses. :smiley: