Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

Does anyone here use the like exchange feature of Jarvee? I’m having a lot of issues with it the past couple days.


I thought this was interesting. I was visiting Social Captain (another automated growth app), I had tried them out several months ago before making the switch to Jarvee. Anyway, all the sudden new negative reviews from angry clients shows that the instagram-follow-block is also affecting that automated growth app too. The company also did not inform its customers, provide any feedback, nor refunds. So it’s not just happening to Jarvee…
Link of all the angry instagram clients:


Yikes, reviews look harsh.

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While we’re getting 5 stars on google (till now all of the 53 are 5 stars and 9 of them in June), they’re having negative review, something is wrong… I mean, customer support, software, managing etc.


Which company app are you? I’m running on Jarvee but I’m interested to always try different apps that are holding up strong. :slight_smile:


You have the link on the biography, I’m not sure if I can share it here.

Thank you


Don’t have much data to give, but figure I would give input anyways:

Been following/unfollowing ~175 per day w/ likes and story views, using API, no issues yet. Got phone verification ~10 days ago, been hashtag shadowbanned since. But no follow or action blocks. I only run one account on Jarvee no proxies or anything - could just be a lucky account or maybe the number of accounts you guys are running / per proxy is affecting it too


This wave of block is very odd. It’s more temporary but sporadic. Some account get unblocked after maybe an hour but blocked again once I restart but sometimes after a couple follows, sometimes after a dozen, some accounts are still running after over 100 follows, maybe it’s a shorter period action rate limit. I still can’t find any pattern yet. It can also be actions per IP (since I’m running 3 accounts per IP) maybe.

I’m going to add to my code to print out # of followers per last
5min, 30min, 1h, 2hr,etc whenever the block happens


Could you imagine how that would go down :joy:
“Hi Instagram long time no see, you know those blocks you’ve spent years attempting to implement to make your platform safer?, yeah how do we get round those cos they’re just not for me and I don’t like them, let me know
Jarvee xoxo”



This morning I have woken up and checked my Jarvee setup to see EVERY account is follow and like blocked. Interestingly, it’s only API follow/like blocked - I can follow and like perfectly fine in the embedded browser.


I think I need to remind everyone. Ig’s mobile client is a tool for online time. And jarvee doesn’t exist.
We are always on the platform of others, like the parasite of ig. Like block has at least 10 days. I think there is a script in the app to do this kind of operation.


I want to remind jarvee that the app contains online time, and jarvee does not.


Yeah, I have, it doesn’t work at all, it works like 1 time on 20, but I have no idea about what can the problem be…


Here is info from a user on BHW. This should ease the mind of a lot of new users here on this forum:

"New things of what ? You want solutions ? Okay, update your settings consistently, understand the new limits, learn how to obtain better returns than before, understand that the today (29 june) problem come from an api error and not a want of IG to kill automation, and it will be a great beginning.

IG don’t care if you use a bot or not, they just want to preserve their community and suspended people who are too much aggressive. Why ? Simple. IG is the property of Facebook, and what’s the goal of FB ? Make money. So now, as they said officially last month they want to kill third party thaf sell likes and followers because these services make money where IG make money.

They will not even ban bot before top creators (influencers, stars and communities) use this kind of software (or hire services that use it).

IG isn’t stupid, they just want to preserve, and of course, scale their business and make more money and currently the fact is that buying followers online is cheaper than running social ads for get followers. So IG will do his best for make it more complicated and so mechanically prices of third party will go up.

For me it sound logic by this way, maybe I am wrong, of course it’s possible and I will love to hear your answer, but really I can’t believe and accept your theory of a want of IG to kill automation, it’s impossible. Ever, so many people will be hurt and so the plateform will lose users.

The last thing to remember is that 85% of business in the world can afford an Instagram management by a service that uses automation but not for a service including ads management, it will be too much expensive for them. Do you really imagine that an hairdresser can afford 700/1000$ per month for an ad management ? Definitely not."

Now everyone take a chill pill, look over your settings- try to find any correlations, and use this downtime to hone in and PERFECT your craft. Use this time to read more, use this time to learn what you are doing wrong, and use this time to learn to NOT BE LAZY. The days of lazy automation is OVER.


Just to add my observation to this.

8 of my 10 got the same blocks today.

A couple I had going aggressive the last two days, others I had with very light activity the past couple of days.

I just have one account per IP except for my own residential IP that’s running 3. 2 on my residential IP were blocked and 4 of the 5 on proxies were blocked.

6 of the 8 still worked on the app, and one that still worked on the app I just realized has a shadow ban.

My best guess in my case is API issue on 6 and legit blocks on the other 2…


And that is what everyone is thinking.

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Now what should people do if they are blocked on EB & API?

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I think that this is the cause - X users per recent interval they added as a filter.

Reset device id seem to be working if you are blocked on api and eb.
But my experience is once an account get hit with api block. It’s very likely it will get block after block. So reset device id seems only a temporary solution as there is a very high chance of percentage the block will come back.


Yes and I’m sure IG is tracking the total device ID resets per account and this will eventually be an issue

Jarvee has to figure out how to make their software completely unable to be detected. Please Jarvee kings get on this. :slight_smile: