Mother/ Child/ - First Time (Blog)

Hey! This is my first time using jarvee and doing proper automation for instagram. I have been encountering lots of issues over the week and have received great feedback from the people at MPsocial! Today was the first day where jarvee seems to be on my side. So, I thought I would start to journal my “Jarvee adventures” to help other new people and also to get any improvements from the vets on here.

My Background: I run a comic\ nerd account with 115k followers. I started about 1.5 years ago, when IG was easy to grow. I spent a lot of money on shoutouts and power likes and once I hit 10k i grew organically through explorer and hashtags.

My recent page (6 months old) is in the fitness niche. It is a personal tips page and it has been hard to grow, I’ve tried shoutouts, viral posts, like/ follow etc and it has been stuck at around 2k for the last few months. My engagement rate has started taking a hit.

This is why I want to implement a Mother/ Child strategy. I want to build this account to 10k and prove to myself that I can also build personal/ fitness niches too (not just repost accounts).

In the next post I will detail what I am currently doing !


I will skip all the mistakes I have made over the past week and go straight to what is going right lol

My setup!
I have set up 5 fitness “children” in jarvee. they have all been running for a week. I had a few issues with reposting and following but lowering their actions per day has cleared all that.

I have also setup 5 slave accounts to manage all of their api calls. I got this idea from @ossi
I now have 5 accounts warming up ready to join the 5 fitness. I have learnt that I have to be very patient with new accounts as they get action block fast.

My goal is to evaluate the 10 child accounts at the two week mark and decide if they are ready to start DMing people to my Mother account. My feeling is that they may need a month or so to fully take advantage of this technique. any thoughts would be awesome!

My setup
4g US based New Ig accounts
5x Proxies from high proxy (had a few issues with these, but now are working better)
4g Mobile rotating proxies by @mrspuf (have had no issues with these)

If you have any questions or have any advice for me leave a comment or PM!

Good luck with your journey!

Are you using 1 mobile proxy for all your children accounts?

When you start DMing people, make sure you’re using spin syntax in your Message Text.

Currently I have two accounts per high-proxy proxy
and 5 with the mobile
I was told I can use upto 9 on the mobile if I use them at different hours. 3 per 8 hour window as they rotate ip address every hour.

I have a few slaves on the 4g and a few child, same with high proxy
This was mainly just to test which proxy is better and if the 4g goes down or gets blocked I don’t lose everything.

Yep, I have an article saved on syntax for when I get to DMing. Do you recomend starting after two weeks or wait a month?

I recommend you warm up your accounts for at least 3 weeks before you run the Contact tool on the accounts.

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Sweet. Thanks and just use to DM new followers of the account?

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Hey @heroeslair, thank you very much for the shout-out.

Yes, I recommend DM ONLY to new followers.

Also, I wouldn’t do the repost to slave since that is known to be an issue with the trust score so I would spend a day or two building some nice campaigns and I would post naturally for the slaves. Also using reposting it will drop the quality of the images and that won’t help your slave’s growth.

Good Luck!

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You mean the child accounts? im only using the slaves for api not posting. I have been reposting on the child accounts though.

Do you know of a good article to learn how to do canpaigns properly, I had a look and there is a lot going on

so, do you recommend going through and finding all the posts for each child account manually? will be doing 3 posts a day for the 5 child accounts

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Maybe it’s time consuming, which it is, but it’s still better to do it that way,

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Sweet. I’ll have a google to see if I can find a time efficient way to do it as I run 3 other accounts that I post manually with. Thanks for the advice, should keep the children running healthy.

Would you add the mother to jarvee at all, or just have that account far away from everything as possible? ie. only DMing its tag from the children

I would avoid it, as if you setup a M/S strategy, the main account won’t need anything else :slight_smile:

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Awesome to see someone else try this journey with me!


Yeah man, I’m following your journey too!

Sweet. Will just use the mother as normal! Thanks

Today i’ve been working on gathering viral posts. I have found about 50 that I have added to destination list in campaign mode.

Now, does anyone know if there is a feature that will randomly accolate a different post to each account in the destination list without overlapping? or do I need to create a destination list and post list for each account seperately?

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Update: I had two accounts get action blocked (even though are only following 10 posts a day, gaining 5-10 each day). I turned off all reposting as I am trying to figure out an optimal way to do it in campaign.

My VPS (4gb ram) started to struggle today and it would barely use jarvee. This could be why I got a few action blocks and two slave accounts got email verification.

Anyway, I just ordered a new VPS with 12gb RAM and 8 cores, so hopefully this will be good for what I want to achieve. Just waiting for them to send the details.

You can check the above option in Campaign Overview tab > Advanced settings > General tab. It will make Jarvee publish a different post to each account.


Thanks! Will give it a shot tomorrow. Hopefully my new VPN is ready when I wake up

Hey man! For some reason that option doesn’t show on my settings