NEW ISSUE: Inauthentic activity

Getting same issue today.

I changed on one account the password and now I got after 2 days the same message…

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Let’s use one discussion:

That one is in LVL2, so not everyone can access it.


Yes I’d like to view that but I’m not Level 2. Is there anyway to get upgraded to that?

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@LanceParrish User Levels Explained


I just got my first one on a client’s account today…

This is a client who is known to have been using the app on their phone frequently while Jarvee is simultaneously running. This account was also giving likes on the like exchange (about 11 likes per round)

Is it possible there is a parallel here between the user engaging a lot on their end in addition to what we do?

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Don’t use client accounts on the LE.

It’s possible but not likely. Many people got those and have never used automation. It’s possible that they used a bad app once, or it could be as simple as their IP was flagged from a spam operation. Occasionally companies will flag entire blocks of IP’s by the thousands and it could be something as simple as they were driving through a city that was flagged on IP and that made them get the message.

The reality is that they probably bought likes or something along the lines.


Definitely not going forward.

I saw exactly this on Twitter. Several others say something thing there re never using automation.

My client says she does use the Plann app and had used at about the time of receiving the message.


That’s probably the reason. Not sure if Plann is actually allowed to use the API, but even just accessing things like that might trigger it because it’s third party.


what is being said about this on the LvL2 discussion? It’ll take about 20 days for me to get access to it and would be good to have any insight in the meantime lol thank you


The same exact things, just in level 2


I run 3 accounts per proxy and have been for a while, no issue yet but clients are getting this message.

@wortime thanks for sharing and sharing and sharing insights :wink:

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i literally just spit my water out :rofl: samething thing on bhw not much being said other than keep yer eyes peeled


I received this message as well. I m using a 3rd party app to do follows and unfollows but also on some random days do 200-400 follows on my own to get follow backs.

So should I change my password or turn of the app for a few days?

Are there any bits of wisdom in that discussion you can share with us Lvl 1s?

Just a Message that someone share a day ago about this:

Not sure about it, but the legend said that one client got it while using a very popular growth service. Speculations said that is about Copyright terms but just to keep an eye on that…


Thanks for sharing, that’s super intense. Can you elaborate on this comment?

“Speculations said that is about Copyright terms”

You are saying the account was deleted because of copyright issues but also happened to be utilizing a growth service? Am I reading that right?

Yes, it means that “gossips” say that it’s due to the fact they have broken the terms of copywriting of Instagram as usually that message is sent on those occasions. Although one of this forum got it from a client that got that message from a friend that is using a popular growth service. It’s not clear if the message was due to them or to the copywriting thing. I hope that explains better