Personal letter from Instagram?

That’s what MP social is for. People come here to find help as to why they lost 4 followers or their likes dropped by 2 on a post, or how to get their banned account back, then they find out the good stuff if they stick around. As long as they don’t send me a DM asking me to get their account back, residential proxies Or how to get verified, I’m cool with it.


Ya but that quote is unforgivable.

There are lots of newbs out there with big accounts.

Still he should know what niche means after having any kind of success, I mean I am sure he has YouTubed things about Instagram people say niche all the time that’s just killing me inside.

It’s easy to think that way when you’ve been doing it a while.

@HenryCooper catches me with the schizznitobamsnipsnapsacky from time to time.


I mean it’s not a word that you need that much knowledge in this scene to know, this is something thats a norm on Instagram. He should know that term by now. And if he found MP, that confuses me how that term isn’t stumbled upon on his quest finding MP lol.

MP social frequently turns up in basic google searches for all things Instagram. They come here panicking and make a ton of posts then don’t stick around then leave. Look at all the level 2 and 3 that don’t know how to use the search function.


That is very accurate lol.

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Sorry I’m a nail artist not a social media expert (also a She). I had a big account because my art stood out. Sorry I don’t have the lingo as wortjme said I came here from a google search looking for answers. I already feel self conscious enough and that I don’t know anything. But even without any knowledge my account is growing by about 1k a day of legitimate followers so I might have stuff to offer as well

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Also I know what niche means in the real world just not how it was being used here

Do you mind PMing me the account name? I’d be interested to see this.

You created opal nails? Found your press.

You should look into pinterst marketing FYI

I guess you removed the letter. How long has the account been banned?

I got mine back after a few days. My bet is you will too.

I can put it back up I had my details on it so I was advised to remove it. It’s been 3 weeks😪

Yeah that’s me! I haven’t seen that article. Also Cosmo did a big article on me as well. I messaged you I hope it went to dm

Keep trying. Don’t take no for an answer. You’ll get it back.

Thank you I’m sending heaps of emails everyday I don’t even know which emails are right anymore :sleepy:

This method of thinking occurs often in society, and some call it the Problem with Common Sense…

The challenge with Common Sense, is once you know it, it’s impossible to unknow it. Once an idea or word integrates into our basic thinking, its very difficult to remember what it was like to not know it, or how exactly we learned it. For example, when was the first time you encountered the word ‘Niche’, what was the context, did you understand the concept right away, or did it take several experiences before an “aha” moment happened and then became part of your basic vocabulary…Most likely, for most of us, we don’t have a clue how we learned this word…

The word “niche” is hardly used in business school or MBA programs. Typically we say market segment. “Snacks” would be a segment of the Food Industry. “Chocolate” a segment of Snacks. “Chocolate Bunnies” a segment of Chocolate. When the word “niche” is used seldom and sparingly… it typically describes something very-specific, targeted, even slightly weird or out of the ordinary, like “Chocolate Sex Toys”, “Chocolate for Diabetics”, “Salad-flavored Chocolate”, “Chocolate Soap”. “Chocolate-covered Grasshoppers”, or even a “$500 Box of Italian Hand-made chocolates”…

Anyways this is way off topic the OP’s original questions :smiley:


Thank you, like I said I do know what niche means it was just the way it was being used confused me

I understand that, but in my case as soon as I heard someone say it on YouTube I understood what they were saying by putting 2 and 2 together. If someone says they are gonna take over your niche or something like that and the topic is about he/she’s place of business to me it would have been common sense to assume it was about the type of business they are in or the category as to which my business is in or related to. I guess I’m just different than most people when it comes to figuring out what a word means.

I wasn’t trying to be mean @Zinny it was just something so easy for me to figure out and it confuses me when someone else couldn’t.

But note if your gonna have a business on Instagram you should get into terminolgy, this forum has everything you need and more.

Hopefully, you stick around and contribute, don’t mind my rudeness.

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