It looks like ur account has been disabled message is all i get. I got that message 10 times lol.
You hear this same thing in two places, in Jail, and here when Instagram bans you.
Is it possible for instagram to disable your account for bullying and harassment even if you did nothing of the sort? My business account eylandertile has been disabled. I’ve been following the steps you guys have provided. Sometimes I get a reply and sometimes I don’t. I’ve sent in my picture with the code about 6-7 times now (different code each time) with no luck. There is literally a fake account who posted the picture of the message they received from instagram saying they removed my account. There are also a couple that use my name and the profile picture says “I’ve been hacked” is there anyway to recover my account or someone that can help me on here? I’ll pay!
Looks like you were botting that account pretty hard. I would just create 2 more accounts and start over instead f wasting your time.
Botting? what do you mean?
You think thats what happened then? All i was doing was following anyone related to tile and construction. I had my instagram for over two years and built my following organically. Never did anything like that before. What about the message instagram sent a fake account saying “thank you for reporting eylandertile’s account for harassment and bullying” then the message said they removed my account because of it. Is that harassment?
Please post a screenshot of where it says that.
Thats from an account that has been harassing me for about 6 months. Just two days before my account was removed about 40 videos and pictures were taken down as well
So this other person reported your account and then sent you the screen shot?
He posted the screen shot. Its been an account that repost my pictures sometimes too but photoshops them. Will crop my face out and ad a different guys face next to my wife. Crazy shit like that. There are a few accounts like his. I honestly built my following and everything organically. Only recently did i start following other trades and construction accounts. Didn’t know that would get me banned.
Theres also another account @eylandertile_ impersonating me
Sounds like you pissed someone off. All you can do is submit whatever proof you have. Just send a nicely worded email with all of the proof ESPECIALLY the accounts that are copying you and hope for the best. Instagram had to find SOMETHING wrong with your account, so there’s also that. I would simply make 4 or 5 more accounts and go harder while fighting them. Just use different names, emails, phone numbers etc. Do not have the accounts connect back to you in any way until after you have exhausted your tries.
FYI, no one here can help you get your account back unless they happen to work for Instagram. And if they do, then thats a whole other problem unto itself. Don;t listen to anyone who says they can do it for money, they will just do what you have been doing.
Good luck!
Appreciate the advice. Thank you very much.
Yeah, I hate to dash your dreams, but this is all true.
I would send them the original photos, the URL to the photoshopped photos etc, you can only just keep trying. There is no magic pill.
Is there a way other than DM through Instagram and instagram for business? I tried FB messenger as well and they saw it but never replied. I’ve appealed to with the link you provided wortime, the one where you submit a document and I got two replies back asking me to do the photo thing but I just keep getting the email saying its disabled for violating their terms… no shit? Is there an email where I can upload the photos? And my apologies for all the questions.
Is DM through the app a bad way to go? A lot of people that followed my account have been sending instagram for business messages. Is that a waste or time?
Not really, you can only appeal where you can appeal. I would send it all in the next photo and code letter. Perhaps eventually you will connect to a human.
It doesnt hurt, not sure if they care or even read those.