Question? Who can recover disabled ig account


Ya know something? I really hate these threads. I have yet to see one person stick around from it. It is just crap like this all day. :point_up:t6::point_up::point_up_2:


I will pay to get my instagram back! Please help me!! Anyone!!!

Im having the same issue. My instagram account with over 1 million followers has been disabled for about 3 weeks now. I have tried everything I can. At this point Iā€™m almost ready to give up, is there anyone who can restore my account? Iā€™m willing to pay!

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5,000 bitcoin and you have a deal. Is your account type, ā€œInstagram model?ā€


So @Karina1234 is that a ā€œyes, l will pay you 5,000 bitcoinā€ or a no?

Iā€™ll take that as a ā€œnoā€

500 bitcoin then?

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Keep trying there is no other way

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Can I hire you? lol


It works for me. What method did you use?

Iā€™m having the same issue and my account had more than 1 million followers. I need help disabling my IG account :frowning:

Have you tried appealing through with the link via desktop?

I actually havenā€™t, but I will try it So far I appealed it twice through my phone and they keep sending the same message that my Instagram page was disabled for violating community guidelines. I appealed it again the third time and now Iā€™m just waiting for a response :frowning:

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Have you been able to appeal through your phone today? A lot of people have reported getting an error message while trying to submit the appeal form, Iā€™ve gotten it as well

Yes, Iā€™ve been able to on my phone. Not with the link that everyone keeps mentioning but on the app itself. I click on need more help & then fill out the information that account has been hacked.

I donā€™t think you need help disabling. Sounds like Instagram did a great job of disabling it already.

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I canā€™t do uit on my phone it says wrong imput

So my account has been bannned since last month and about 4 days ago Instagram send me a notification saying to check back in but they sent that for the account thatā€™s already disabled so I thought ok I guess that means I can log in nope it was still disabled I sent them over probably 30 appeals in the last week and still havenā€™t gotten a response I filled it out last Saturday only to get denied I also is it true that I probably have to wait 3 months to get my account back Iā€™m on my second month already

this is what they sent me

Can you help me ?

Hi there, did you manage to get back your account? Mine got disabled 6 weeks ago without any warning or we never violated the platformā€™s tos! It is a business account. Donā€™t know what to do now! We tried everything (appeal, report, etcā€¦) but so far nothing is working! Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. Chad

I am facing the same thing, this is so frustrating! Our account is a business account and we havenā€™t done anything wrong (no bots, no nudity, etcā€¦)! Did you get your account back?