๐Ÿš‘ Recap - Don't give up your banned Instagram accounts! We can save them!


Hello, How if I add two slots in the system for one account? Does it make the process faster or something?

An Account can only exist once in the system. There is no way of โ€˜speeding upโ€™ appeals.
Nor is it really needed, and for some accounts, 2-3 appeals can already mean a temp block.

We put the security of accounts first (thatโ€™s why we donโ€™t appeal using ID cards, business documents, or similar options). Some accounts canโ€™t even take 2-3 appeals before not receiving a code anymore.

TL;DR: Once per 24hrs is not changeable :slight_smile:



Let see how it will goes โ€ฆ

Hi schoko,
I have read all you answers, thanks for the information, you sound like a real expect.
My Instagram account was disabled on 25/2 for not following the guidelines. I was using a follow/unfollow service, I was stupid and regret it SO much today.
The first 2 times I sent an appeal, I got an email back asking for a photo of me holding the code. I answered email and nothing. I keep on sending appels but since then silence from instagram. Did I get blocked from appeals? should I take a brake sending them?
And how serious is the follow/unfollow offence compared to copyright, nudity and so on?
Would love to sign up with you if thereโ€™s a chance it can help.
Thanks for your time to answer, I really appreciate it and Im sure many others are too.

I decided to give it a try as well :upside_down_face:

Letโ€™s see how it will work:

Just added +30 Accounts, this week is very crazy for 24 hours and disable!

If you donโ€™t receive a code email anymore, than you are facing a temp-block. This can be based on IP, device, Email, or account.
If you donโ€™t receive an email after you sent in your selfie: Thatโ€™s pretty standard by now :slight_smile:


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I started to use this service a couple months ago and didnโ€™t have any luck at first. Then I waited a month and tried again for two more months, and finally this week I got my account unbanned!
It was a bit disheartening at first when I tried for such a long time with no success. But Recap is definitely working given enough time. I just suggest that you set a budget for this before starting - how much risk youโ€™re willing to take, and how much your IG account is worth.
So happy to have my IG account up and running again.


There IS life after (IG) death !!! Thanks, guys for an amazing job.
Screenshot 2021-03-24 143554

:crossed_fingers: Fingers crossed for you all.

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It would be nice if your appeal ticker/counter is more accurate.
As soon as you press start it says 1 appeal submitted which is not possible within a few seconds?

As an appeal consists of multiple (most of the time spread apart across a day) steps, appeal count currently measures the times an account has been added to the queue for processing.

Currently the counter is without much function anyway, as each day = 1 appeal. It only comes into play if we decide to change the Intervall :slight_smile:


Please do not send us your state ID, drivers license, passport, water bill, pictures of your children or cat.
We will not use such documents for the appeal and sending that stuff to strangers on the internet is never a good idea (maybe send more cat pictures, thatโ€™s fineโ€ฆ)

Bans that require these kind of information (mostly issues with IG suspecting you are a minor/under 13 years old) should be handled by you directly, in your interest.


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Small Update:
We identified an issue where certain scrapers return invalid values when checking for live accounts.
This caused customers to be not notified of an Unban, even though the account was already available again. On the other hand, some customers might have gotten an Unban notification while their account is still disabled.

We already have deployed a fix and will start using more manual checks (Manual checks happened only during the actual filling of the form) spread across the day. Affected customer should receive their notifications for unbanned accounts within the next hour or so. If you find any false positives, please contact support :heart:

Even though only 11 accounts should be affected by the false positives, we have decided to add $1 to the balance of each customer with an active subscription for the potential trouble caused by this :pray:


Another account unbanned. Very happy with the service :slight_smile:

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We saw a bigger Unban wave today, with over 40 accounts reactivated almost at once, including some longer-running ones.

Here an excerpt:

Hats off to the dude/dudette with the 79 days, time to party :partying_face:


I got one un-banned today. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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