Request Phone Validation serveral times

Thanks a lot. I’ll follow your discussions :blush:

From early April, started PV. More or less… 7-8 request.
For Now it’s all stop! Tomorrow I’ll fix setting slow (10 follow- 10 unfollow per hour) and I’ll put only mobile proxy.
What do you think about it?

How can I “resetting device ID & clearing cookies”

That’s only possible if you still have account in jarvee. Under profile settings.

Check dm 13char

OK! I’m waiting for… :wink:

Keep in mind, this is only to solve the loop. If it’s not getting PV’s anymore, don’t change those settings as it may lower the trust score for you.

OK: so from this morinig I restarted MP/Jarvee, with slow mode and with Mobile proxies. If I’ll receive another PV, I’ll clearing cookies. Thanks!

After 20 days, PV didn’t stop.
10 days ago I changed sim, but now I have to change the sim because my colleauge used that sim for another account. And so, IG didn’t send me the code.

Please tell me what can I do, because I have more and more problems… :disappointed_relieved:

You’ve added the account back to Jarvee even though you were getting daily PVs? Bad move. As I said, reset Id, clear cookies and leave account pending. Don’t add to Jarvee until pvs stop. Then 3-5 days without pv, you can start the warm up.

Aaaa ok!
So the steps are:

  • cookies and leave account pending
  • I waiting for to STOP PV
  • After 5 days from stop PV, I can start with warm up!

So, now I have to change the sim (I found out that if you manage more 3 accounts, you can receive the sms). And restart to work.

Thanks a lot my friend!

But man, you’ve got to be smart. Don’t link all accounts on the same device as well. How do you verify it? Delayed pv loops can go for 1week+ so you just need to leave it and wait. Only then start. If you keep going you’re shooting yourself in the leg and extending the wait time.

1 sim-1 account? :roll_eyes:

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Yes. 1 sim = 1 account. I have heard some people using 1 sim for 2 accounts, but that might be risky.

Actually, I don’t think sim card affect PV loops. Because I use online PV service everday and it still working for me.
I think the point is from your Setting and you proxies.

Sure sure… as said @BruceSilduk, important setting, and in this case (PV several time) stop and restart in warm up mode.


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Ok! I thought 1 sim per 2 accout wasn’t the problem! :blush:

When you use an online service you can be 100% sure that the number will be used more than 1 time. So in a short period of time several accounts will be verified with the same number. It depends on your accounts if they survice that or not.

This depends on your accounts and the time between verifications. I have 3 accounts on my own personal number without problems. But the accounts are personal accounts, they are not in MP. The accounts were made in a period of several years, and the number was also added in these years.

In contrast to that, my experience is that with spam accounts, a 2nd verification with the same number in a short period of time often fails. I tried some time ago to use used numbers a second time. There was about half a year between the first verification and my second attempt with another account. For some accounts that worked, for others not.

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As I know, 1 SIM Card just verifies 2 times a week.
So how the service can affect PV if it just verifies 2 times a week?