[SOLUTION] [JUNE2019] Action/Follow Block Wave! (MEGA THREAD)

Yeah just make sure your settings aren’t that aggressive. :sunglasses:

I’ve got blocks on 200+ using very soft and slow settings… Using HQ LTE proxies.

What’s the trick? Did you change API Useragents to custome ones?
Please advise

Api just doesn’t work for me at all. Any of my account ran by api will get 2,5,7 days hard block within 48 hours of using api.

I am using 4G 1:1

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Change API useragents to a mobile device that has come out this year.

Where are these HQ LTE from?

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Can you explain how to change the User agents successfully?

This should help you. :sunglasses:


Right but we would several devices if we have 100+ accounts right?

unsure if its worth it experimenting when all accounts we manage are clients acc.

do you use “use eb to follow when action block”?

Device agents are quite generic, I would mix and match different mobile devices though!

No I just stick to the API. A lot of people have has success with that though. :slight_smile:

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The only question left is where I can get them from?


Just look on google man, here is an example:


Doesn’t the UA just default to one that has already been installed when you click out of the box? That’s my experience.

I can’t see the software running on a UA that it wasn’t built for.

DC proxies? Any story views? Posting with the tool?

I got a follow block for manual action as well. I was accepting and adding people recently and I’m blocked since August, 5.
I really don’ t know what to do… Hope it is temporary

How old is the account?

I created the account 9 months ago. It has around 7650 followers and 1450 following. Never used apps to increase the number and I’m still blocked… 2 weeks now.

I wonder how many times a day JV downloads from IG a list of all your followers? Who does that, but bots. :+1:


Anyone using EB only and able to make it this past week without blocks?
Just got AC+7day block lifted, warming up again on EB only, so far so good

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