[SOLUTION] [JUNE2019] Action/Follow Block Wave! (MEGA THREAD)

I hope they know what they are doing man. In my opinion, even though we are all pushing upgrading your proxies ( and it definitely can’t hurt), there is definitely a software compenent and IG is trying to stop botting. @Cool_Raoul has posted about this and even figured out a temporary technical solution. Also the fact that I can still do 100s of follows without a problem manually through phone makes it seem like it might be an API problem so not sure what they are trying to do with the API changes.

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Should I put the email on a new thread so everyone can see or should I just leave it in this thread?

yes thats what i said in another thread Instagram has no problem with people who are doing follow/ unfollow and other actions in massive amount while following limits, Instagram has only problem with people who are running bots we are doing Instagram manual growth not using bot, and we do a ton of actions each day without any issues, you just need to make sure that Instagram thinks that you are not using bot. if you can do that your all problems will be solved

Completely understand this, that’s why I was hesitant to post the email. I can change it so people have to click on a link that will take them to a pdf of the email if that will help things


I use the same and other similar and believe me, I try to not even talk about it’s name on public or private forums just because I love it and the team are doing great.

I wish I can keep working with them for 10 years or more so I hope IG don’t shut it down as they did with others that were on top years ago.

I know other people talk about it clearly but I think to make a change it starts on us.

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I agree 100% there are obv people from IG looking at this forum on what should be their next steps to shut down automation.

Please edit out this info and only post it on level 2 at least.

Morning for an hour, lunchtime for an hour, evening for a few hours, anyone recognise that pattern? That’s a normal user… which is why your settings are not working.

What I’m saying here has nothing to do with JV, that’s got its own serious problems…

In each slot I followed 200-300 people thankyou iG. :pray::pray::pray:


You made with you own bot on python, right? :slight_smile:


No I use a combo of 4g, ipv4 and ipv6. I create my own and understand proxies just enough to be able to use all 3 types. How do I run datacenter you may ask? The rate at which you can grow and add accounts to a subnet quickly comes to snails pace with ipv4, especially ipv6. The size of the subnet is also a determining factor.


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Already had it, asked a few questions in the manual follow thread and :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:

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kinda kind trolling, sorry :drooling_face:

I’m testing 6 different setups to try to avoid compromised but one of them with a couple of customers is like:

The same proxy I’m using on their account here, is the same proxy they’re connecting their instagram account on their phone.

What I did was share with them the proxy and helped them setup the same proxy on their phone, so for instagram it’s the same"IP".

Let’s see how it goes next days.

Also good to mention the mobile proxy was created by us.

Ps: I’m so sorry that I’m not being able to help as much as I want here at this point, but I like to have clear things to tell and help with something solid but till now I don’t have any solution to AC’s.

Tried only EB and got compromised, only API and got compromised now testing other setups that are a bit more complex to see if there will be any solution next days.

I’ll keep you updated.


Legend!!! :slight_smile:

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Hi, is there a method to use on my android phone the same proxy i have on mp BUT only on ig? i mean, i want the phone use the proxy only for ig app. the other app should use my normal ip and wifi


I copied it from another forum because I don’t want to advertise other forums here.
An interesting theory.
What do you think about it?


So I’ve recently been able to follow 250-300 followers a day all through automation. There are certain things that you need to know if you still want to get into it.

The thing about automation tools like Jarvee, FL, etc. are not broken. They still do what they intended to do, talk to I nstagram’s server directly through HTTP requests. The reason automation tools are able to do what they do is because they mimic the HTTP requests that are sent to Instagram’s server through the app. They are not the problem.

The main issue with automation C urrently is mainly the JavaSc R ipt sent and run on your brows E r through the p A ges IG sends. You see browsers are set T o automatically run the Javascript that is on HTML pag E s between the <script>…</script> tags. And pulling the hea D er information from Instagram:

There’s A LOT of Java S cript in the header of Instagram’s pages, this is just a small fracti O n! The issue is that with these automation tools, because they are downloading and parsing the webpages directly and not loading the JavaScript at all, the information that Instagram is able to pull from your browser through Javascript isn’t being pulled. This is the reason Instagram is always able to tell i F you’re using automation software or not. Which brings me T o my next topic…

Recently I know you guys have been having issues with making accounts. Spoofing your User-Agent is no longer enough anymore to fool Instagram. This is because Instagram can use JavaScript to pull information from your bro W ser directly. How do they do this? Heck you c A n do it yourself! Press Ctrl+Shift+I to b R ing up your developer tools then typ E ‘navigator.platform’ in the Console tab.



And boom! Gives your operating system away just like that. No user-agent needed! This isn’t the only thing Instagram can P ull. There are things like navigator.maxTouchPoints which gives away if your device has a touchscreen or not. Not to M ention a MULTITUDE of others that can be used to identify if your user-agent matches up with the values your browser is giving off. This is why no matter if you’re using a clean proxy and a fresh browser, Instagram still knows that you’re not actually using a phone.

So the automation tools not loading the Javascript is a necessary evil if you want to auto M ate multiple accounts. Imagine having to load browsers to automate 50 accounts! Heck just 4 accounts at once through browsers would E at up almost all of your RAM. So this was the idea I had and it seems to be working really well.

Create another program that logs into each account on the browser and do mundane tasks on them for 5-10 minutes, then switch accounts. Do this throughout the day.

Having a program that does this in tandem with your automation software will allow the Javascript to run and track your “Last Active” information as well as register the profile as a highly active profile. It is highly recommended to do this on the exact same proxy you’re automating from.

First off you have to spoof EVERYTHING so it looks like a normal phone browser. This means fighting JavaScript with JavaScript! You’re going to have to inject your own JavaScript into every page load where your JavaScript can spoof all of your elements to replicate the browser on a mobile phone. It has to be injected because JavaScript runs in its own environment separate from the loading of the page requested. To run your JavaScript when the page loads it has to be injected into the page itself!

Once you figure that out you can move on to hiding that pesky navigator.webdriver flag that returns true if the browser is being automated. This is the reason why Selenium doesn’t work with Instagram. You can however still automate through Selenium if you know how to hide that flag!

Hope you guys figure this ish out!


Thank you for your info. Now the question is “how to practically do it?”

lets hope you’ll find something! But actually i really think it about the new Update from our Tool an the Features they named in their Mail. Cause even with account that where generated in the Tool only running there are getting compromissed messages

atta boi

cheers for sharing

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Ah I have broken the hidden code.

Got one compromised now, logged out and login back and no need to change password, I think instagram also have some bugs on their side but of course who are affected? us.

I’ve many accounts scrapping hundreds of thousands of users everyday and don’t get blocked or compromised so there is something else there.

Other testing I’m doing is scrapping with one account and only doing actions with the main, and got compromised, but it can be related to accounts behavior too and many others factor, so let’s hope for the best with the support team, for now I can’t wait 2-3 weeks, I need to keep testing.