Step-by-Step Guide to 150k Followers 2020

well, ask him some questions to make it more not-so-basic :slight_smile:


UPDATE: we posted 3 photos at the same time. We will report the final reach, likes, etc and compare it with a standard single post of the account used.

Sure. What are some ways you can drive people to message you for paid advertisements on Insta? @EthanWelby

Thanks :rofl:


Some methods i used:

  • add a call to action in your bio (e.g. ‘dm for promos/advertising’)
  • add a call to action in your caption (also ‘dm for promos/advertising’)

You’ll want to make sure people know that you post promos.

Then there’s some other factors that play a role:

  • people looking to post ads look for pages with high engagement to follower rates (I’d know as I personally advertise on pages myself). So keeping engagement up is key
  • more posts = more reach = more potential people wanting posts

The final method of getting more ads is to use sites that connect advertisers and influencers.

  • shoutcart is one that i can remember

There’s definitely more, a google search should be able to find some quite quickly. However they usually charge a rate for every client

Looking forward to it!

Any quick ways of manually unfollowing? I got an unfollow block on my main on Jarvee (only tool I was running too…)

I personally used an app called IG Cleaner. I would set a reminder for every 2-3 hours and then I’d let the app unfollow 100 people. Automation could work on Jarvee if you set the interval between unfollows for a larger duration.

But if you want to go COMPLETELY manual, then going through the list and unfollowing would be the way. But to me, that’s something I’d never wanna do :rofl:

I’ll try the app out :slight_smile:

Yeah man, following is annoying, unfollowing is just terrible.

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So did some research on that app, seems to have bad review on iOS and Android, if we are talking about the same one…

Only decent reviewed one I found is “Unfollowers on Instagram Track” - but the reviews look like they were forced, but some say it works. I still am kinda reluctant to put my username and password in these apps…

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Please let me know if you find one!

I also use buffer, for IG, FB and Twitter, it is an extremely good tool.

If you have access to CrowdTangle, finding high performing content to download from Facebook and IG is a breeze but it is incredibly difficult to get access to it.

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I can understand the concern that you’ll probably have. I’ve personally never had any issues with it, i actually paid for the premium plan :rofl: . But like i said, using your automation software could work as long as its not too aggressive with the unfollows

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I’ve never heard of CrowdTangle before. Would you mind explaining what it is and how you use it, I’m really curious to know?

Can we use Jarvee to schedule posts and f/u?

Crowdtangle is a mini project of Facebook, it includes Instagram and used to also have Twitter access as well but it got removed. It has stats pages very similar to SocialBlade but can also pull content based on overperformance w interaction rates, search terms etc and its all downloadable. You can build custom lists to monitor growth and interaction rates of your own brands, competitors, celebrities, anything really. It is extremely powerful, but is invite only so its really hard to get access if you don’t have a large verified brand.


Great Guide, thanks for sharing! checked out your profile beautyfourless and shutterphones Shopify store linked to the account, you might want to review your “privacy policy” and remove things like [[INSERT ANY OTHER INFORMATION YOU COLLECT: OFFLINE DATA, PURCHASED MARKETING DATA/LISTS]]


Of course, that’s what is it made for

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That sounds really useful. Do you have access?